Prepared By: William Franck, Sooyoung Franck and Chengci Chen


The Montana State University Eastern Agricultural Station in Sidney, MT coordinates an annual variety evaluation for cool season spring pulse crops (dry pea, lentil and chickpea) at multiple locations across the state of Montana. In 2022, funding for this project was obtained from the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, and testing fees from private entities submitting varieties and experimental lines for evaluation. The results provided in this report reflect the efforts of a large team of individuals from the Montana State University Agricultural Experiment Stations, Montana State University Extension, industrial partners from the seed industry and cooperating producers. The following list provides contact information for many of the individuals involved in the 2022 variety evaluation.

Montana State University

Chengci Chen: Superintendent/Professor, Eastern Ag. Research Center
1501 North Central Ave, Sidney, MT 59270
(406) 433-2208,

William Franck: Research Scientist, Eastern Ag. Research Center
1501 North Central Ave, Sidney, MT 59270
(406) 433-2208,

Kevin McPhee: Professor, Pulse Breeder, Plant Science and Plant Pathology
Bozeman, MT 59717
(406) 994-5156; 

Sooyoung Franck: Research Associate, Eastern Ag. Research Center
1501 North Central Ave, Sidney, MT 59270
(406) 433-2208,

Justin Vetch: Superintendent/Assistant Professor, Western Triangle Ag. Research Center
9546 Old Shelby Road, Conrad, MT 59425
(406) 278-7707,

Peggy Lamb: Research Scientist, Northern Ag. Research Center
3710 Assiniboine Road Havre, MT 59501
(406) 265-6115,

Inga Hawbaker, Daniels County Extension Agent
106 Railroad Ave East Scobey, MT 59263
(406) 487-2861,

Shelley Mills, Valley County Extension Agent
501 Court Square Glasgow, MT 59230
(406) 228-6241,

USDA - Agricultural Research Service

George Vandemark: Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS
Pullman, WA 99164
(509) 335-7728,

Rebecca McGee: Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS
Pullman, WA 99164
(509) 335-0300,

North Dakota State University

Nonoy Bandillo: Assistant Professor, Pulse Breeder, Department of Plant Science
Fargo, ND
(701) 231-8056,

University of Saskatchewan

Bunyamin Tar’an: Professor, Chickpea Breeder, Department of Plant Sciences
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 966-2103,


Richard Fulton: Richland, MT

Marvin Tarum: Richland, MT


USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council
2780 W. Pullman Road Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 882-3023; 

Kurt Braunwart, Nancy Powell, and Mike Wood
860 S. Crestline Othello, WA, 99344
(509) 448-3977,;; 

Mark Kok
Valesco Genetics
PO Box 128, Plaza, ND 58771
(701) 898-0647,

Northern Pulse Growers Association
1710 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503
(701) 222-0128,;

Mick Miller
WinField United
PO Box 591, Fairfield, MT 59436
(406) 217-2294, 

Ben Larson
Premier Genetics
33602 Highway 2 West, Berthold, ND 58718 
(406) 480-7812, 

Chad D. Anderson
ND Crop Improvement and Seed Assoc.
PO Box 5084 West Fargo, ND 58078
(701) 893-6069, 

Charlie Cahill
Cahill Seeds
669 Highway 5, Scobey, MT 59263
(406) 783-5510, 

Washington State Crop Improvement Assoc.
2575 NE Hopkins Court Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334-0461,

Tyler Kress
Pulse USA
2002 Northern Plains Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
(701) 530-0734, 

Martin Hochhalter
Meridian Seeds
216553 37th St. SE, Suite 3, Mapleton, ND
(204) 988-4681, 


The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station is implied. The results of individual trials and studies are considered to be of a PRELIMINARY nature and should NOT be considered as a product endorsement or recommendation for commercial use.

Project Description and Objective

Project Description

Cool season spring pulse crop (dry pea, lentil and chickpea) acreage in Montana has increased more than 10 fold in the past two decades. For more than a decade the Montana State University Agricultural Experiment Stations have conducted annual pulse crop variety evaluations across the state of Montana in an effort to improve yield and quality of these crops. The Montana State University Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC) in Sidney, MT is currently coordinating these efforts. In 2022, trials were conducted at three MSU Agricultural Research Centers and a cooperating producer’s field south of Richland, Montana in the northeast corner of the state. The results reported herein are intended to aid producers, seed suppliers, breeders and the research community in variety development, selection and deployment. The report is available both in print and electronic formats and can be found at


The objective of this project is to evaluate yield and seed quality parameters for dry pea, lentil and chickpea cultivars and lines selected by stakeholder input across a broad range of Montana environments targeting the major pulse growing regions of the state.


Procedures and Experimental Design

Seven dry pea, ten lentil and thirteen chickpea entries were selected by the EARC to trial at all locations. In addition, seed companies and pulse breeders with an interest in Montana pulse production were invited to submit cultivars or expermential lines for evaluation in 2022. Locations available for evaluation were indicated in the invitation letter and the selection of locations for each entry to be evaluated was determined by the submitting party. All three crops were planted at three dryland locations (Conrad, Havre, and Richland) and one irrigated location (Sidney). The trials at Conrad were lost to poor stand establishment and weed infestation.

Seeds for all entries were tested for germintation and treated with Obvius Fungicide (BASF Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC) and Cruiser 5FS Insecticide (Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., Greensboro, NC). Seeds were packaged on a per plot basis to obtain live seed rates of 8, 12 and 4 live seeds per ft2 for pea, lentil and chickpea, respectively. Seeds were sent to the cooperating research centers with an appropriate commercial rhizobial inoculant to be applied at planting. Research plots were planted in a randomized complete block design with four replicates per entry. Plot size varied amongst locations and was dictated by the equipment available at each location. Management practices vary by location but are consistent with typical practices for that region. In season measurements and harvest data were collected by each cooperating center and sent to the EARC for analysis. Grain yield data was adjusted to 13% moisture content to facilitate comparison across locations. Dry pea protein concentrations were determined for all pea samples by near- infrared spectroscopy (NIR) at the EARC in Sidney. Analysis of variance was performed in R (version 4.2.1) and Fisher’s LSD was performed from the agricolae package (version 1.3-5) for mean comparison whenever the F-test was significant at P<0.05.

List of Collaborators and Locations

The type of crop (pea, lentil and chickpea) and number of entries for each of these crops evaluated at the different locations varied from location to location depending on the interest of seed suppliers and availability of resources at the respective location. The list of locations, collaborators and the type of crops evaluated at each location is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Collaborators, locations and crops evaluated in 2022

Location Collaborator Irrigation Crops evaluated Observations
Conrad WTARC No X X X Trials lost to poor stand establishment
Havre NARC No X X X  
Richland EARC No X X X Wildlife damage to chickpeas
Sidney (Irrigated)  EARC Yes X X X Wildlife damage to peas

EARC = Eastern Agricultural Research Center, NARC = Northern Agricultural Research Center, WTARC = Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center, ‘X’ indicates the collaborator participated for the specific crop variety evaluation in 2022.

Precipitation and Cultural Practices

Precipitation, site information and agronomic management practices for the respective locations are summarized in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. Site characteristics for each trial location

  Conrad (WTARC) Havre (NARC) Richland Sidney (EARC)
Soil Type Scobey-Kevin Clay Loam  Joplin Loam  Farnuf Loam  Savage Silty Clay Loam 
Elevation (ft)  3700 2698 2950 2200
Seasonal Precip. 
(Apr-Aug) (in.)
5.6 6.1 8.4* 12.0
Average Precip.
(Apr-Aug) (in.)
8.0 8.0 8.5* 9.6
Irrigation (in.)       2.3

* Data from Opheim, MT weather station US00246238 approximately 12 miles from trial location

Table 3. Major agronomic management practices for each location in 2022

Location Tillage Seeding Date Harvest Date Previous Crop Fertilizer Pesticide Application
Pea Trials
Havre No-Till 4/21 7/27 Spring Barley None Prowl H2O at 24 oz/a and RT3 at 28 oz/a - both preplant
Richland No-Till 4/28 8/4 Durum None  
Sidney Conventional  5/5 8/3 Sugar beet None PowerMax at 24 oz/a and Outlook at 12 oz/a preemergence
Lentil Trials
Havre No-Till 4/21 8/9 Spring Barley None Prowl H2O at 24 oz/a and RT3 at 28 oz/a - both preplant
Richland No-Till 4/29 8/11 Durum None  
Sidney Conventional 5/5 8/23 Sugar beet None PowerMax at 24 oz/a and Outlook at 12 oz/a ad preemergence
Chickpea Trials
Havre No-till 4/22 8/22 Spring Barley None PowerMax at 24 oz/a and Outlook at 12 oz/a ad preemergence
Richland No-Till 4/29 8/22 Durum None  
Sidney Conventional 5/6 9/6 Sugar beet None PowermMax at 24 oz/a and Outlook at 12 oz/a preemergence, Miravis Top at 13.7 oz/a (two applications) and Miravis Top at 14 oz/a (two applications)

List of Varieties

Table 4 includes the list of varieties and experimental lines evaluated in 2022. Additional information for these entries can be obtained by contacting the respective seed suppliers listed in the acknowledgements section. Entries listed in this table include varieties requested by seed suppliers, varieties selected as check varieties by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and experimental lines from the Montana State University, North Dakota State University and USDA-ARS pulse crop breeding programs.

Table 4. Dry pea, lentil and chickpea entries included in 2022 variety evaluation trials.

Entry Seed Color/Size Maturity
Dry Pea
AAC Asher Yellow Early/Medium 
AAC Carver  Yellow Early
AAC Chrome  Yellow Medium
AAC Julius Yellow  
AAC Profit Yellow Medium/Late
Aragorn Green Medium
Banner Green  
CDC Spectrum  Yellow Medium
CP5222Y Yellow  
CP5244Y Yellow  
DL Apollo Yellow Medium
DS-Admiral Yellow Medium
Fairway Green  
Ginny 2 Green  
Goldenwood Yellow  
Hampton Green Medium
Korando Yellow Early
LG Stunner Yellow Medium
MS GrowPro Yellow  
MS-20G1 Green  
MS-20GP5 Green  
MS-20Y1 Yellow  
MS-20Y3 Yellow  
MS-20YP4 Yellow  
MS-22YP6 Yellow  
ND Dawn Yellow Early
NDP150231Y Yellow  
NDP150412G Green  
Orchestra Yellow  
Pizzazz Yellow  
Pro 141-6258 Green  
Pro 143-6220 Yellow  
Pro 143-6230 Yellow  
Pro 171-7665 Green  
Pro 173-7406 Yellow  
PS0877MT457  Green  
PS0877MT632 Yellow  
PS17100008 Yellow  
PS17100022 Yellow  
Salamanca Yellow Early
SG-L-8318z Yellow  
Shamrock Green Early
Avondale Medium Green Medium
CDC Greenstar  Large Green  
CDC Impala CL  Small Red Early
CDC Impress CL  Medium Green  
CDC Imvincible CL  Small Green  
CDC Kermit Small Green  
CDC Maxim CL Small Red  
CDC Richlea Medium Green Medium
CDC Viceroy Small Green Early/Medium 
LC14600088R Medium Green  
NDL090204R Medium Green  
NDL120599R Medium Green  
Sage Small Green  
2510-2 Desi  
Alma Desi  
CDC Consul Desi  
CDC Cory Desi  
CDC Frontier Kabuli Late
CDC Leader Kabuli Medim
CDC Orion Kabuli Late
CDC Palmer Kabuli Medium/Late
Kasin Kabuli  
Myles Desi  
Nash Kabuli  
ND Crown Kabuli  
NDC160236 Kabuli  
New Hope Kabuli  
Royal Kabuli  
Sawyer Kabuli  
Sierra Kabuli  


Dry Pea Variety Evaluation in 2022

Forty two dry pea varieties and experimental lines (30 yellow and 12 green) were evaluated in 2022 at three locations.Two yellow pea and two green pea cultivars were selected as check varieties and tested at all locations.Six experimental lines originate from university and government breeding programs. The remaining entries are cultivars and breeding lines from private entities and were tested at locations requested by the seed supplier. Results are presented in two groups based on cotyledon color (yellow and green).

Results of the 2022 dry pea variety evaluations are presented in Tables 5-8 for yellow peas and Tables 9-12 for green peas. Reported data include yield, protein, thousand kernel weight, test weight, plant height at harvest and days to flowering.Three year yield averages for 2020 through 2022 are presented for entries with three years of data. Two year protein averages are presented for 2021 and 2022 for the Richland and Sidney locations as these data were collected on a single instrument employing the same protein prediction model.

Yields in 2022 improved at all locations relative to 2021. Spring soil moisture was poor and early season precipitation short at the Havre and Richland locations. However, better midseason rainfall brought April-to-August precipitation numbers closer to normal resulting in near average yields at these locations. A severe July windstorm at the Richland location produced moderate lodging across the entire trial. Some harvest lost was incurred for those entries that experienced the most lodging. Entries with excellent standability were largely unaffected. The Sidney location received abundant moisture during the planting season resulting in above normal precipitation for the growing season and reduced irrigation requirements. Pea yields for several entries at Sidney were adversely affected by lodging leading to yield losses from pigeon feeding. However, excellent yields were observed for several yellow pea cultivars.

Seed protein levels averaged across all locations were 25.9% for yellow peas and 26.2% for green peas. The range of observed protein values was 21.9% to 28.9% for yellow peas and 23.1% to 28.5% for green peas. Average protein values for 2022 were similar to 2021 at the individual locations. All seed protein data for 2022 is presented on a dry matter basis and was obtained from a single instrument allowing direct comparisons across locations.

Table 5. Yellow Dry Pea Grain Yield (lb/a) with three year averages in parentheses

Yellow Pea Havre Yield Richland Yield Sidney Yield
Variety/Line  2022 (3 yr avg)  2022 (3 yr avg)  2022 (3 yr avg) 
AAC Asher 1749 2647 (3002)  
AAC Carver 2297 (2408) 2729 (3067) 5285
AAC Chrome  2246 (2383) 2790 (3173)  
AAC Julius 2233 2795  
AAC Profit 1825 (2118) 2797 4846
CDC Spectrum  2179 (2341) 2571 (2907)  
CP5222Y 2452 2836  
CP5244Y 2205 2667  
DL Apollo 1795 (2111) 2493 (2848)  
DS-Admiral 1779 (2250) 2451 (2846) 3874 (3624)
Goldenwood 2116 (2213) 2507 (2692)  
Korando 1990 (2226) 2612 (2746)  
LG Stunner 2102 2514   
MS GrowPro 2123 2429  
MS-20Y1 2070 2672  
MS-20Y3 1992 2648  
MS-20YP4 1484 2420  
MS-22YP6 2310 2623  
ND Dawn 2342 (2403) 2738 (2879( 4170 (3805)
NDP150231Y 1666 2196  
Orchestra 1802 2520 (2880) 4530
Pizzazz 2297 (2437) 2809 (2946)  
Pro 143-6220 1915 (2184) 2262 (2364)  
Pro 143-6230 2046 (2247) 2381 (2541)  
Pro 173-7406 2140 2646  
PS0877MT632 2111 (2278) 2284 (2510) 1572 (2728)
PS17100008 2126  2736  
PS17100022 2111 2569  
Salamanca 2208 (2395) 2738 (2737)  
SG-L-8318z 2086 2355  
Mean 2060 2581 4046
P-Value <0.0001 0.0192 <0.0001
LSD 171 369 970
CV (%) 5.9 10.2 16.1


Table 6. Yellow Dry Pea Protein (% Dry Matter Basis) with two year averages in parentheses

Yellow Pea Havre Protein Richland Protein Sidney Protein
Variety/Line  2022 2022             (2 yr. avg.) 2022 (2 yr. avg.)
AAC Asher 24.4 24.1 (24.2)    
AAC Carver 23.6 23.4 (23.5) 21.9         
AAC Chrome  25.0 24.8 (24.5)    
AAC Julius 26.7 26.3 (25.7)    
AAC Profit 26.8 26.1 (25.7) 24.7  
CDC Spectrum  27.2 25.7 (25.5)    
CP5222Y 25.1 25.5      
CP5244Y 26.2 26.1      
DL Apollo 27.8 26.5 (26.9)    
DS-Admiral 26.2 24.4 (24.0) 23.1 (23.7)
Goldenwood 28.6 25.9 (26.9)    
Korando 27.0 24.6 (25.7)    
LG Stunner 28.0 26.2 (26.3)    
MS GrowPro 27.9 26.7 (27.1)    
MS-20Y1 26.9 26.4      
MS-20Y3 27.7 26.6      
MS-20YP4 28.9 26.3 (25.7)    
MS-22YP6 26.6 26.3      
ND Dawn 25.0 23.9 (24.0) 23.0 (23.5)
NDP150231Y 27.7 27.3      
Orchestra 28.3 27.4 (28.0) 27.8  
Pizzazz 25.3 25.4 (25.6)    
Pro 143-6220 27.0 26.6 (25.7)    
Pro 143-6230 27.1 26.3 (25.7)    
Pro 173-7406 25.4 24.3      
PS0877MT632 26.9 27.6 (26.8) 25.6 (25.7)
PS17100008 25.1 25.1 (26.1)    
PS17100022 25.5 26.2 (26.1)    
Salamanca 25.0 25.6 (25.5)    
SG-L-8318z 24.2 24.7      
Mean 26.4 25.7 24.4
P-Value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
LSD 1.0 1.0 0.5
CV (%) 2.8 2.8 1.4


Table 7. Yellow Dry Pea Thousand Kernel Weight (g) & Test Weight (lb/bu)

Yellow Pea Thousand Kernel Weight (g) Test Weight (lb/bu)
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
AAC Asher 260 220   61.4 64.2  
AAC Carver 243 200 225 61.2 63.8 64.3
AAC Chrome  239 197   61.1 62.6  
AAC Julius 211 173   61.1 63.9  
AAC Profit 250 195 225 60.5 63.4 64.1
CDC Spectrum  232 207   60.5 63.7  
CP5222Y 264 229   61.2 63.9  
CP5244Y 237 193   61.2 64.2  
DL Apollo 229 195   60.8 64.6  
DS-Admiral 246 206 228 60.5 63.1 64.6
Goldenwood 164 170   60.6 64.9  
Korando 279 234   60.5 64.3  
LG Stunner 219 188   60.8 63.9  
MS GrowPro 269 257   60.4 63.1  
MS-20Y1 251 212   60.4 62.9  
MS-20Y3 266 223   60.3 62.9  
MS20YP4 233 200   61.1 64.3  
MS-22YP6 220 176   61.9 63.5  
ND Dawn 242 208 223 60.1 63.6 64.1
NDP150231Y 197 177   60.7 64.3  
Orchestra 265 231 282 61.2 63.1 65.1
Pizzazz 298 235   61.3 64.2  
Pro 143-6220 235 193   60.2 63.0  
Pro 143-6230 227 187   60.5 63.2  
Pro 173-7406 246 202   60.5 63.4  
PS0887MT632 224 181 215 61.1 63.3 63.6
PS17100008 258 232   61.3 64.0  
PS17100022 254 228   61.8 64.3  
Salamanca 265 227   60.7 62.9  
SG-L-8318z 224 201   60.9 64.2  
Mean 242 206 233 60.9 63.7 64.3
P-Value <0.0001  <0.0001 <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001 0.006
LSD 12,2 8.6 5.7 0.7 0.6 0.7
CV (%) 3.6 3.0 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.7


Table 8. Yellow Dry Pea Plant Height (cm) & Days to Flowering

Yellow Pea Plant Height (cm) Days to Flowering
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
AAC Asher 40 56   62    
AAC Carver 56 60 70 61   54
AAC Chrome  46 55   62    
AAC Julius 53 59   63    
AAC Profit 54 65 74 63   57
CDC Spectrum  50 59   63    
CP5222Y 51 57   57    
CP5244Y 55 61   56    
DL Apollo 54 58   61    
DS-Admiral 51 64 64 61   54
Goldenwood 34 55   68    
Korando 47 62   54    
LG Stunner 52 65   60    
MS GrowPro 55 62   63    
MS-20Y1 52 61   61    
MS-20Y3 53 64   62    
MS-20YP4 50 66   66    
MS22YP6 48 61   62    
ND Dawn 51 57 64 61   54
NDP150231Y 46 63   64    
Orchestra 47 61 69 61   53
Pizzazz 50 53   56    
Pro 143-6220 44 61   62    
Pro 143-6230 50 56   62    
Pro 173-7406 50 57   60    
PS0877MT632 40 56 66 58   51
PS17100008 44 52   60    
PS17100022 56 63   62    
Salamanca 59 62   61    
SG-L-8318z 58 66   65    
Mean 50 60 68 61   54
P-Value <0.0001  0.0029 0.1247 <0.0001    <0.0001 
LSD 5.4 7.3 NS 0.8   1.2
CV (%) 7.7 8.7 8.2 0.9   1.5


Table 9. Green Dry Pea Grain Yield (lb/a) with three year averages in parentheses

Green Pea Havre Yield Richland Yield Sidney Yield
Variety/Line  2022 3 yr avg. 2022 3 yr avg. 2022 3 yr avg.
Aragorn 2191 (2208) 2538 (2568) 3352 (3173)
Banner 2204          
Fairway 2184 (2344)        
Ginny 2 2192 (2296) 2556  (2499)    
Hampton 1947  (2142) 2666 (2882) 1816  (2994)
MS-20G1 1542   2242      
MS-20GP5 1831   2626      
NDP150412G     2637      
Pro 141-6258 2148 (2354)        
Pro 171-7665 2230 (2354)        
PS0877MT457  1896 (2080) 2480 (2553) 3093 (3131)
Shamrock 1765 (2165)        
Mean 2018   2535   2754  
P-Value <0.0001    0.0685    0.3246   
LSD 158   NS   NS  
CV (%) 5.5   7.4   52.8  


Table 10. Green Dry Pea Protein (% Dry Matter Basis) with two year averages in parentheses

Green Pea Havre Protein Richland Protein Sidney Protein
Variety/Line  2022 2022 2 yr avg. 2022 2 yr avg.
Aragorn 25.1 25.4 (25.2) 24.2 (24.7)
Banner 23.1        
Fairway 26.9        
Ginny 2 25.5 25.2 (24.8) 27.2 (26.8)
Hampton 27.4 27.3 (27.2)    
MS-20G1 27.6 25.7      
MS-20GP5 27.0 26.5 (25.7)    
NDP150412G  28.5 27.1      
Pro 141-6258 24.6        
Pro 171-7665 24.0        
PS0877MT457  27.3 27.5 (27.6) 27.2 (27.2)
Shamrock 26.6        
Mean 26.1 26.4   26.1  
P-Value <0.0001 0.0011    <0.0001   
LSD 0.8 1.2   0.6  
CV (%) 2.1 3.1   1.5  


Table 11. Green Dry Pea Thousand Kernel Weight (g) & Test Weight (lb/bu)

Green Pea Thousand Kernel Weight (g) Test Weight (lb/bu)
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
Aragorn 218 185 198 59.9 63.6 63.2
Banner 210     61.1    
Fairway 191     60.0    
Ginny 2 233 195   60.8 63.0  
Hampton 225 197 221 61.0 62.9 63.2
MS-20G1 233 214   61.0 64.2  
MS-20GP5 235 209   60.0 62.9  
NDP150412G  203 167   61.9 65.2  
Pro 141-6258 226     61.3    
Pro 171-7665 235     60.9    
PS0887MT457  241 203 227 59.9 62.8 63.4
Shamrock 239     61.7    
Mean 224 196 215 60.8 63.5 63.2
P-Value <0.0001  <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001  <0.0001 0.5962
LSD 6.6 7.9 9.7 0.7 0.5 NS
CV (%) 2.1 2.8 2.8 0.8 0.5 0.7


Table 12. Green Dry Pea Plant Height (cm) & Days to Flowering

Green Pea Plant Heigh (cm) Days to Flowering
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
Aragorn 47 57 58 54   51
Banner 43     55    
Fairway 46     62    
Ginny 2 46 57   58    
Hampton 43 58 54 61   57
MS-20G1 50 64   67    
MS-20GP5 50 63   64    
NDP150412G  45 61   62    
Pro 141-6258 39     57    
Pro 171-7665 48     56    
PS0877MT457 49 54 64 54   51
Shamrock 53     62    
Mean 47 59 59 59   53
P-Value 0.0006  0.0944 0.1844 <0.0001     
LSD 5.3 NS NS 0.1    
CV (%) 8.0 8.3 11.1 1.2    

Lentil Variety Evaluation in 2022

The 2022 lentil variety evaluation included thirteen lentil entries (two small red lentils and eleven green lentils with small, medium and large green entries represented) evaluated at three locations. Results of the 2022 lentil variety evaluations are presented in Tables 13-15. Reported data include yield, thousand kernel weight, test weight, plant height at harvest and days to flowering. Three year averages for 2020 through 2022 are presented for entries with three years of data.Grasshopper damage negatively impacted yields in Havre and Richland. In Sidney, wet conditions prior to and following planting resulted erratic plant emergence due to soil crusting. Efforts were made to break the crust prior to emergence with moderate but inconsistent success. Thus, yields in Sidney were adversely affected for all entries and those entries less able to cope with the crusts were more affected.

Table 13. Lentil Grain Yield (lb/a) with three year averages in parentheses

Lentil Havre Yield Richland Yield Sidney Yield
Variety/Line  2022 (3 yr avg.) 2022 (3 yr avg.) 2022 (3 yr avg.)
Avondale 1470  (1651) 1638  (1862) 2037  (2549)
CDC Greenstar  1152   1261   2203  
CDC Impala CL  1239 (1292) 1505 (1679) 2135 (2474)
CDC Impress CL  1205 (1334) 1771 (1608) 2050 (2477)
CDC Imvincible CL  1359   1543   2376  
CDC Kermit 1382   1815   2361  
CDC Maxim CL 1227   1667   2046  
CDC Richlea 1294 (1619) 1683 (1786) 2167 (2584)
CDC Viceroy 1388 (1453) 1526 (1625) 2412 (2659)
LC14600088R 1306   1998   2308  
NDL090204R 1118   1616   2662  
NDL120599R 1173   1733   1687  
Sage 1383 (1416) 2076 (1893) 1543 (2485)
Mean 1283       2150  
P-Value <0.0001        0.0004   
LSD 112       431  
CV (%) 6.1   12.6   14.0  


Table 14. Lentil Thousand Kernel Weight (g) & Test Weight (lb/bu)

Lentil Thousand Kernel Weight (g) Teest Weight (lb/bu)
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
Avondale 55 50 54 62.1 62.8 62.5
CDC Greenstar  73 76 76 60.2 60.6 59.8
CDC Impala CL  31 34 35 65.8 65.6 65.4
CDC Impress CL  56 53 59 62.7 63.0 62.1
CDC Imvincible CL  34 35 38 64.3 64.6 64.7
CDC Kermit 31 35 37 64.5 65.4 65.1
CDC Maxim CL 44 39 43 64.1 64.4 63.5
CDC Richlea 55 54 56 61.8 62.1 61.4
CDC Viceroy 35 37 39 64.6 65.2 64.8
LC14600088R 55 56 63 62.0 62.5 61.6
NDL090204R 54 56 59 63.7 63.3 63.0
NDL120599R 58 56 60 61.3 61.3 60.1
Sage 40 37 41 64.2 64.7 64.1
Mean 48 48 51 63.2 63.5 62.9
P-Value <0.0001  <0.0001 <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001
LSD 2.1 3.5 1.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 
CV (%) 3.0 4.4 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.4


Table 15. Lentil Plant Height (cm) & Days to Flowering

Lentil Plant Height (cm) Days to Flowering
Variety/Line Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
Avondale 26 40 36 60   54
CDC Greenstar  28 38 35 65   57
CDC Impala CL  24 40 39 66   56
CDC Impress CL  26 41 35 64   55
CDC Imvincible CL  24 36 35 65   55
CDC Kermit 24 38 35 65   56
CDC Maxim CL 22 37 33 62   54
CDC Richlea 27 40 37 63   55
CDC Viceroy 26 42 36 65   55
LC14600088R 26 41 39 63   54
NDL090204R 27 38 36 62   55
NDL120599R 26 43 37 60   51
Sage 23 36 32 58   51
Mean 25 39 36 63   54
P-Value <0.0001  0.177 0.0146  <0.0001    <0.0001 
LSD 1.2 NS 3.6 1.4   1.3
CV (%) 3.2 8.1 7.1 1.6   1.6

Chickpea Variety Evaluation in 2022

The 2022 statewide chickpea variety evaluation included seventeen entries (twelve Kabuli type and five Desi type). Two entries were breeding lines and the remaining fifteen were cultivars. Data are presented for two dryland locations and one irrigated location in Tables 16-18. Average yield for the three year period spanning 2020 though 2022 is presented for those entries that were trialed in all three years. Chickpea yields were excellent under irrigation in Sidney. Ascochyta pressure was modest in Sidney and four fungicide applications beginning at flowering effectively managed disease. Yields in Havre were average to slightly above average. All chickpeas entries at the Richland location were severely damaged by antelope early in the growing season resulting in lost yield potential. In addition, several entries (predominantly large sized kabuli chickpeas) were selectively grazed in Richland prior to harvest resulting in very low yields for those entries.

Table 16. Chickpea Grain yield (lb/a) with three year averages in parentheses

Chickpea Havre Yield Richland Yield Sidney Yield
Variety/Line 2022 (3 yr avg.) 2022 (3 yr avg.) 2022 (3 yr avg.)
2510-2 1595    859   4448   
Anna 2033   1607   4172  
CDC Consul  1847   1230    4559  
CDC Cory 1919   1227   4311  
CDC Frontier  1860 (1684) 1298 (1472) 4612 (4496)
CDC Leader 1516  (1487) 1148 (1622) 4610  
CDC Orion 2158 (1796) 579 (1439) 4483 (4568)
CDC Palmer 1698 (1727) 1606 (1728)    
Kasin 1676   1217      
Myles 1732 (1681) 1773 (1721) 3833 (3214)
Nash 1393   123   3787  
ND Crown 1666 (1461) 1172 (1133) 4228 (3962)
NDC160236 2340   1027   4787  
New Hope 1385   110      
Royal 1676 (934) 143 (351) 4109 (3858)
Sawyer 1541 (1482) 598 (989) 3940 (3690)
Sierra 1102 (823) 126 (374) 3995 (3623)
Mean 1714   932   4277  
P-Value <0.0001    <0.0001    <0.0001   
LSD 182   505   380  
CV (%) 7.5   38.2   6.2  

*Note: Antelope damage at Richland was significant throughout the growing season and several entries were stripped of pods prior to harvest resulting in very low yields for those entries.

Table 17. Chickpea Test Weight (lb/bu) & Seed Size (% greater than 8.73 mm)

Chickpea Test Weight (lb/bu) Seed Size (% > 8.73mm)
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
2510-2 60.7 63.7 64.9 1 4 3
Anna 62.1 64.2 65.5 0 0 0
CDC Consul 62.1 64.4 65.6 2 2 2
CDC Cory 60.2 61.9 63.4 2 2 1
CDC Frontier  61.2 63.8 63.4 14 14 21
CDC Leader 60.1 62.8 62.6 28 36 34
CDC Orion 59.2 61.0 61.9 46 48 55
CDC Palmer  60.2 62.3   18 37  
Kasin 62.4 64.9   1 0  
Myles 59.0 60.8 62.1 0 0 0
Nash 56.3 * 60.5 89 72 79
ND Crown 59.7 62.8 62.6 34 52 68
NDC160236 59.1 62.5 63.3 39 41 42
New Hope 59.5 *   21 75  
Royal 57.7 * 61.9 81 50 76
Sawyer 59.3 63.0 62.2 24 33 26
Sierra 56.6 * 60.4 50 50 81
Mean 59.7 63.1 62.9 26 30 35
P-Value <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001
LSD 1.2 0.6 0.7 7.3 10.4 6.9
CV (%) 1.5 0.7 0.8 19.3 24.0 13.8

* Note: Insufficient material was available to measure test weight for samples marked with an asterisk.

Table 18. Chickpea Plant Height (cm) & Days to Flowering

Chickpea Plant Height (cm) Days to Flowering
Variety/Line  Havre Richland Sidney Havre Richland Sidney
2510-2 38 43 60 64   56
Anna 37 42 60 62   50
CDC Consul  37 43 60 63   55
CDC Cory 40 42 60 64   56
CDC Frontier  33 42 59 63   55
CDC Leader 32 38 50 61   54
CDC Orion 34 43 57 59   50
CDC Palmer 31 43   61    
Kasin 42 53   64    
Myles 34 42 58 59   50
Nash 36 38 61 64   56
ND Crown 39 42 65 61   54
NDC160236 39 47 61 63   56
New Hope 37 38   62    
Royal 41 43 58 63   56
Sawyer 35 44 54 61   50
Sierra 35 39 59 62   54
Mean 36 42 59 62   54
P-Value <0.0001  0.0222 0.0251  <0.0001    <0.0001 
LSD 1.9 6.9 6.4 1.3   0.8
CV (%) 3.7 11.4 7.6 1.3   1.0

Future Plans

The EARC will continue to lead the statewide variety evaluations in the coming years as long as there is a need from pulse growers, seed industries, breeders, and there is funding to support the effort.

Note: The data and summaries presented in this report are for informational purposes only. Inclusion and or exclusion of any commercial variety in this summary does not constitute a recommendation by Montana State University Agricultural Experiment Station or EARC.


The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station is implied. The results of individual trials and studies are considered to be of a PRELIMINARY nature and should NOT be considered as a product endorsement or recommendation for commercial use.