Jessica A. Torrion, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Crop Physiology

Jessica Alba Torrion, Ph.D.
Dr. Torrion joined Montana State University in 2014 as a field crop physiologist studying abiotic stresses in plants with the goal of increasing productivity and resiliency of crops or specific traits to stress. Prior, she was trained conducting field research and outreach at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a postdoctoral researcher of which she studied whole crop physiology of soybean. She completed her Ph.D. degree in 2008 at Texas Tech University on cotton crop water stress analysis. In Montana, she studies cereals, oil crops, pulses, and forages. Dr. Torrion is also the Department Head of the Department of Research Centers and the concurrent Superintendent of the Northwestern Ag. Research Centers while maintaining at least 25% research appointment (with 65% Administration, 5% teaching).
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Email: Landline: 406-994-4304;Selected Engagements
Section representative, American Society of Agronomy Board of Directors (2022-2024)Associate Editor, Crop Science Journal (2016-2018)
Chair, Soil-Plant-Water Relations Community, American Society of Agronomy (2015)
Vice Chair, Soil-Plant-Water Relations Community, American Society of Agronomy (2014)
Refereed Journals (*Grad student/postdoc mentee)
Nafi, E.*, and J.A.Torrion. 2024. Response of seeding rate and cultivar maturity with planting date in canola. Agron. J.
Franck, W., C. Chen, S. Franck, Y. Mohammed, M. Abdelhamid, P. Miller, P. Carr, P. Lamb, J.ATorrion, Q. Khan, and K. McVay. 2023. Cultivar and environmental impacts on protein and mineral concentrations in peas (Pisum sativum L.). Crop Sci. J.
Jungers, J.M., S. Schiffner, C. Sheaffer, N.J. Ehkle, L. DeHaan, J. A. Torrion, R.L. Noland, J. Franco. 2022. Effects of seeding date on grain and biomass yield of intermediate wheatgrass. Agron. J.
Tenorio, F.A.M, E. L. McLellan, A.J. Eagle, K.G. Cassman, J.A. Torrion, and P. Grassini. 2021 Disentangling management factors influencing nitrogen balance in producer fields in the western Corn Belt. Agric. Syst. J.
Jones, B.H,, N.C. Blake, H-Y.Heo, J. Kalous, J.M. Martin, D. Nash, J.A. Torrion, and L.E. Talbert. 2021. Impact of yield component alleles from durum wheat on end-use quality of spring wheat. Cereal Chem. J.
Jones, B.H,, N.C. Blake, H-Y.Heo, J.M. Martin, J.A. Torrion, and L.E. Talbert. 2020. Allelic response of yield component traits to resource availability in spring wheat. Theor. and Applied Genetics.
Walsh, O.S, J.A. Torrion, X. Liang, S. Shafian, R. Yang, K.M. Belmont, and J. McClintick-Chess. 2020. Grain yield, quality, and spectral characteristics of wheat grown under varied nitrogen and irrigation. Agric., Geosci. and Env. J.
Alleman, A.B., Y.A. Mohammed, K.A. McVay, Q.A. Khan, P. Carr, J. Miller, Z. Miller, J.A. Torrion, P. Lamb, F. Mus, C. Chen, and J.W. Peters. 2000. Drivers of diazotroph community structure and co-occurrence in a Northern Great Plains pulse crop rotation system. Applied Soil. Ecol.
Berg, J.E., K.D. Kephart, P.F Lamb, E.S. Davis, J.O. Eberly, J.H. Miller, C. Chen, G.P. Pradham, J.A. Torrion, R. Ramsfield, V. Smith, D.L. Nash, D.L. Holen, J.P Cook, S. Gale, Y. Jin, X. Chen, and P.L., Bruckner. 2020. Registration of 'StandClear CLP' hard red winter wheat. J. of Plant Reg.
Carr, P.M., D.L. Boss, C. Chen, J.M. Dafoe, J.O Eberly, S. Fordyce, R.M. Hybner, H.K. Fryer, J.A. Lachowiec, P.F. Lamb, K.A. McVay, Q.A. Khna, P.R. Miller, Z.J. Miller and J.A. Torrion. 2020. Warm-season forage options in northern dryland regions. Agron. J.
Heo, H-Y, S.P. Lanning, P.F. Lamb, D. Nash, M. Wichman, P. Carr, K. Kephart, R. Stougaard, J.A. Torrion, J. Miller, C. Chen, D. Holen, N. K. Blake, and L.E. Talbert. 2020. Registration of Dagmar hard red spring wheat. J. of Plant Reg.
Jones, B.H., N. Blake, H-Y. Heo, J. Kalous, J. Martin, J.A. Torrion, and L. Talbert. 2019. Improving hexaploid spring wheat by introgression of alleles for yield component traits from durum wheat. Crop Sci. J.
Sapkota, A.*, E. C. Meccage, R.N. Stougaard, B. Bicego*, and J.A. Torrion. 2019. Applied boron increased alfalfa petiole boron across water regimes, not yield. Agron. J.
Bicego, B.*, A. Sapkota*, and J.A. Torrion. 2019. Differential water and nitrogen impacts on classes of wheat. Agron. J.
Engel, R.E., C.M. Romero, P.M. Carr, and J.A. Torrion. 2019. Performance of nitrate compared to urea fertilizer in a semi-arid climate of the northern Great Plains. Can. J. Soil Sci.
Torrion, J.A., O. Walsh, X. Liang, B. Bicego*, and A. Sapkota*. 2019. Managing ‘Egan’ wheat with a gene for high grain protein. Agric., Geosci. and Env. J. 2:190019.
Yang, R., X. Liang, J.A. Torrion, O.S. Walsh, K. O’Brien, and Q. Liu. 2018. The influence of water and nitrogen availability on the expression of end-use quality parameters of spring wheat. Agron. J. 8(11): 257
Fordyce, S., J. A Torrion, J. Lachoweic, P. Miller, B. Biddulph, and P. Carr. 2018. Field evidence of frost-induced cross-stress tolerance in canola. Agric. and Env. Lett. 3(1): 1-4.
Yesuf, M., C. Chen, W. Maninder, J.A. Torrion, K. McVay, P. Lamb, P. Miller, J. Eckhoff, J. Miller, and K. Qasim. Dry pea (Pisum Sativum L) protein, starch and ash concentrations as affected by cultivars and environments and their correlation with grain yield. 2018. Canadian J. of Plant Sci. 98:1188-1198.
Sapkota, A.*, E.C. Glunk, R.N. Stougaard, J.P Tanner, D.M Staudenmeyer, and J.A. Torrion. 2018. Boron fertilization of irrigated alfalfa in in Montana. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Manage. J. 4(1): 1-8.
Torrion, J.A. and R.N. Stougaard. 2017. Impacts and limits of irrigation water management on wheat yield and quality. Crop Sci. J. 57: 1-13.
Grassini, P., J.A. Torrion, H.S. Yang, J. Reese, D. Andersen, K.G. Cassman, and J.E Specht. 2015. Soybean yield gaps and water productivity in the western U.S. Corn Belt. Field Crops Res J. 179:150-163.
Torrion, J. A, T.D. Setiyono, G.L. Graef, K.G. Cassman, I. Suat and J.E. Specht. 2014. Agronomic impacts of deferred, deficit, and full-season irrigation strategies. Crop Sci. J. 54: 1-14.
Torrion, J.A., S. Maas, W. Guo, J. Bordovsky, A. Cranmer. 2014. A three-dimensional index for characterizing crop water stress. Remote Sensing. 6: 4025-4042.
Grassini, P., J.A. Torrion, K.G. Cassman, H.S. Yang, and J. E. Specht. 2014. Drivers of spatial and temporal variation in soybean yield and irrigation requirements. Field Crops Res J. 163: 32-46.
Torrion, J. A. T.D. Setiyono, K.G. Cassman, R.F. Ferguson, I. Suat, and J.E. Specht. 2012. Soybean root development relative to vegetative and reproductive phenology. 2012. Agron. J.. 104 (6): 1702-1709.
Torrion, J. A, T.D. Setiyono, K.G. Cassman, and J.E. Specht. 2011. Soybean phenology simulation in the North-Central USA. Agron. J. 103 (6): 1661-1667.