Field Day June 26th, 2024!

poster advertising CARCs fiield day.  June 26th, 8:15-noon.  lunch catered by Central MT Cattlewomen, day sponsored by Montana Grain Growers Association.  Many speakers on various farm topics.  New audio equipment and two tours this year!


Field days include facility tours, explanations of research projects and results and a chance for community members, producers, legislators and agribusiness representatives to speak with MSU scientists and Extension agents.

The public is invited to attend free annual field days across Montana to tour and learn about the people, places and projects involved with agricultural research at Montana State University's College of Agriculture and Montana Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES).


2019 Crop Management Booklet: Growing Small Grains in Central Montana

Dr. Jed Eberly discussing microbial treatments on barley varieties. In general, there have been beneficial results for the plants using these organisms. These types of studies need to be conducted for multiple years due to weather and other factors.Dr. Pat Carr gives us a warm welcome and discusses the importance of our programs for farmers and agriculture.Darin Boss, Head of the Department of Research Centers, discussing the work that has been done and is being done at MSU College of Agriculture. We enjoy hearing about our success stories and the exciting things in store for the research center.CARC staff working at the 2019 Field Days.Pat Carr, CARC Superintendent and Associate Professor of Cropping Systems, speaks on diversifying dryland wheat cropping systems. Our objectives are to determine how canola performance is affected by the crop(s) coming before it in a sequence or rotation, and how it affects the crop which follows.CARC Field Day speaker.Pat Carr, CARC Superintendent and Associate Professor of Cropping Systems, speaking.Anton Bekkerman speaks at CARC Field Day.Phil Bruckner speaks at CARC Field Day.Pat Carr, CARC Superintendent and Associate Professor of Cropping Systems, speaking to attendees at the 2019 Field Days.Pat Carr, CARC Superintendent and Associate Professor of Cropping Systems, speaking to attendees at the 2019 Field Days.The CARC would like to thank everyone who made our field day possible. We appreciate the time it took & the distances traveled for visitors to get here. Thank you to our field day sponsors Cargill, Stricks Ag & BASF InVigor. We enjoyed sharing all of our research with you!

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