Note:  PDF version of this report can be downloaded by clicking on this link

North Central Montana Off-Station Spring Durum Variety Performance Evaluations

Principal Investigator: Peggy F. Lamb, Research Scientist, Havre

Project Personnel:
Mike Giroux, Breeder/Geneticist, Durum, Bozeman
Andy Hogg, Research Associate, Durum, Bozeman
Kasee Clark, Research Associate, Havre
Kyla McNamara, Research Associate, Havre
Jesse Fulbright, Liberty County Extension
Marko Manoukian, Phillips County Extension
Julianne Snedigar, Blaine County Extension

Max Cederberg, Landowner, Turner
Pete Lumsden & John Flansaas, Landowners, Loring
Kurt Kammerzell, Landowner, Chester


Diverse cropping environments exist within the five-county area most closely served by Northern Agricultural Research Center. Winter wheat, spring wheat, barley, durum and oat production together in the five counties (Blaine, Chouteau, Hill, Liberty and Phillips), represents just over 28 percent of the 2013-2017 statewide cereal production totals (43 percent for winter wheat and 25 percent for spring wheat). Producers are keenly interested in variety performance data generated under local conditions. It is our objective, within budget and other resource limitations, to evaluate small grain variety performance, over time, under conditions representative of specific areas of northern Montana, yet differing from that of the Research Center. Growers are provided reliable, unbiased, up-to-date information to make comparisons among improved spring wheat varieties. This report provides producers in north central Montana the information necessary to select varieties best suited for their specific area and growing conditions.


Standard off-station durum variety performance trials were conducted on chemical fallow or minimal tillage during 2018 in three northern Montana counties.

Dryland Spring Durum Trials:

  1. Cederberg Farm, Blaine County                                   S13-T36N-R25E
  2. Flansaas/Lumsden Farm, Phillips County                  S24-T35N-R29E
  3. Kammerzell Farm, Liberty County                               S11-T31N-R05E

All three durum trials consisted of 24 entries and were seeded in replicated, 3-row, 22-foot plots on a 12-inch row spacing, utilizing a self-propelled cone seeder with Atom Jet paired row openers. All rows of each plot were trimmed to a harvest length of approximately 17 feet with a three-point rototiller. Plant height was measured from the soil surface to the top of the head, excluding awns, and percent sawfly cutting was visually estimated for each plot immediately prior to harvest. A ‘Wintersteiger Classic’ plot combine, funded in part by Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, was used to harvest each 3-row plot. Seed was cleaned prior to measuring plot weight. Protein, test weight and moisture content were determined using a Foss Infratec 1241 near infrared analyzer. Falling number was determined using a Perten FN1700 according to the FGIS Directive 9180.38. Other variables specific to each individual trial are listed with the current year data tables.

Please note that research trial yield results recorded under wheat stem sawfly pressure are likely much higher than a producer should expect. Small plot variety trials are managed to assess maximum yield potential and are harvested in such a way that all stems and heads are picked up by the combine, regardless of lodging or cutting due to sawfly. Pickup guards coupled with an extremely slow ground speed and exceptionally low cutting height help researchers collect all heads in order to assess seed yield potential. If you are a producer in a wheat stem sawfly environment, although hollow stemmed varieties may be high yielding in research trials in your area, we strongly recommend against growing those hollow stemmed varieties. Please be aware that if you seed hollow stemmed varieties with sawfly present, you are only creating a breeding ground for future generations of sawfly in your area and not helping combat the pest population.


Following late seeding and early high temperatures, the durum trial yields at Turner averaged nearly 38 bu/ac (Table 1). ‘CDC Precision’ was the highest yielding entry at over 43 bu/ac. ‘Tioga’ along with three Montana State University breeding lines produced seed yields equal to that of CDC Precision. Test weights were excellent, averaging 61 lb/bu, while protein averaged 16.2 percent and sawfly cutting was minimal. Stand percent, plant height, yield, test weight, protein, falling number and sawfly data for the 2018 Turner dryland durum trial are summarized in Table 1.

Comparable averages are calculated using a standard check variety when not all entries are present in a specific trial for all years. Variety means are adjusted by multiplying the actual check mean by the ratio of the individual variety mean compared to the check mean for the same years as tested. All varieties are then directly comparable to each other when in the same nursery. A minimum of three years of data is necessary to be included in the comparable average calculation. Nine-year comparable averages (2009-2018) for durum seed yield and test weight at Turner are summarized in Table 2, while nine-year comparable averages for sawfly cutting are summarized in Table 3.

Loring spring durum yields averaged nearly 31 bu/ac (Table 4). ‘Mountrail’ was the highest yielding entry at over 35 bu/ac with ‘Divide’, ‘CDC Fortitude’, ‘CDC Vivid’, and three experimental lines from Montana State University yielding the same, statistically. ‘CDC Dynamic’ and ‘MTD16008’ produced the highest protein at 17.5 and 17.6 percent, respectively. Sawfly cutting was nearly nonexistent in the durum trial at Loring. Stand percent, plant height, yield, moisture, test weight, protein, falling number and sawfly cutting data, for the 2018 Loring dryland spring durum trial, are summarized in Table 4. Seven-year comparable averages for spring durum seed yield and test weight at Loring are summarized in Table 5, while seven-year comparable averages for sawfly cutting are summarized in Table 6.

The Chester area received early season moisture, resulting in great spring wheat establishment and prolific tillering to set the trial up for high yield potential. However, lack of timely rainfall coupled with high temperatures from flowering through seed set, had an adverse effect on the spring durum. Seed yields averaged just over 28 bu/ac, while test weights averaged just over 56 lb/bu (Table 7). ‘CDC Precision’ was the highest yielding entry at nearly 35 bu/ac. ‘Alzada’ along with two MT breeding lines produced yields statistically equal to that of CDC Precision. Sawfly cutting in the small plot scenario was minimal again in 2018. Stand percent, plant height, yield, test weight, protein, falling number and sawfly cutting data for the 2018 Chester dryland spring durum trial are summarized in Table 7. Five-year comparable averages for spring durum seed yield and test weight at Chester are summarized in Table 8, while fiveyear comparable averages for sawfly cutting are summarized in Table 9.


Cropping environments for 2018 started out with an abundance of early snow and very good soil moisture recharge, however, all spring cereal trial sites were seeded later than anticipated due to prolonged snow cover and wet soil conditions throughout April. Although winter months were wetter than normal, spring and summer months during the growing season were slightly warmer than average with drought conditions persisting across north central Montana. Both Turner and Loring received near average rainfall for the year, however the precipitation events were not always timely. The Turner site was seeded into a mechanical fallow field, as the producer is still dealing with soil drifts from a windstorm in 2017. The Loma location was seeded into chemical fallow ground that had been minimally tilled to eliminate potential weed issues. The Chester area also started out with excellent recharge soil moisture, and timely spring precipitation resulted in a very good stand, and producing a high number of tillers. However, prolonged heat and lack of moisture from flowering through grain fill, limited the seed yield and test weight of the spring cereals.

This work has been strongly supported by producers near each of the off-station locations, and by the Northern Agricultural Research Center Advisory Council. With budget and other resources allowing, it is planned to continue off-station cereal variety investigations in the five-county area. The Loring location is entering its twenty-third year, and the cooperator and area producer interest and support has been outstanding. The Turner location is only 32 miles from the Loring site, but growing conditions are quite different. Cooperator and producer support in the Big Flat area has been outstanding through the years with 2017 marking 34 years at the present Turner site. The Chester location was reestablished in 2014 following a prolonged absence of uniform off-station spring cereal testing in Liberty County.


This research would not have been possible without the assistance of the following seasonal employees: Tawnya Brown, Daisen Fox, Marca Herron and Cordell King.

Table 1. Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Cultivar Evaluation Nursery Grown Off-Station at the Leon Cederberg Farm, Turner. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2018. (Exp# 18-9851-DUR)

ID Source Stand % PLNT HT (in.) YLD bu/A1 Test Wt. lb/bu Protein %2 FN sec.3 Sawfly %4
Akalbo NDSU 88.8 25.7 35.1 61.5 15.9 335 1.0
Alzada WestBred 96.1 23.7 33.0 61.1 16.1 372 0.3
Carpio NDSU 92.8 24.8 38.6 60.8 15.6 357 0.7
Divide NDSU 93.4 28.3 34.4 61.4 16.4 335 0.7
Dynamic CDC 94.4 26.1 38.1 60.0 17.6 342 0.3
Fortitude CDC 83.8 26.6 39.0 61.1 16.9 355 0.7
Grenora NDSU 92.7 26.2 39.2 61.1 16.0 368 0.0
Joppa NDSU 80.1 27.3 39.3 61.8 16.2 337 0.7
Mountrail NDSU 92.3 25.5 35.2 60.6 16.0 345 0.7
Precision CDC 77.1 27.3 43.3 61.9 17.0 366 0.3
Tioga NDSU 86.4 28.5 40.8 62.0 16.0 345 0.7
Vivid CDC 95.3 27.8 38.2 60.7 16.6 349 1.0
MT112219 MSU 98.0 22.1 35.1 62.2 15.4 350 0.3
MTD16001 MSU 87.8 26.2 40.5 60.9 15.2 342 0.0
MTD16002 MSU 88.7 28.8 40.4 61.2 15.9 347 1.0
MTD16003 MSU 95.7 25.9 33.5 61.6 14.6 348 0.0
MTD16004 MSU 95.3 25.7 35.7 61.5 16.2 329 0.3
MTD16005 MSU 91.4 28.8 37.6 60.3 16.6 352 0.3
MTD16006 MSU 80.4 29.2 39.1 61.2 15.9 328 0.3
MTD16007 MSU 85.7 26.7 40.7 61.3 16.3 350 0.7
MTD16008 MSU 92.0 28.3 38.5 60.5 16.8 343 0.7
MTD16009 MSU 84.4 25.4 36.8 58.6 16.9 332 0.0
MTD16010 MSU 92.0 28.5 38.6 61.1 16.2 357 0.0
MTD16011 MSU 83.7 26.7 39.5 60.6 16.4 370 0.7
Mean 89.5 26.7 37.9 61.0 16.2 347.3 0.5
LSD (0.05) 17.1 2.4 3.6 0.5 0.3 7.7 0.8
CV % 11.6 5.5 5.8 0.5 1.1 1.3 ---
P-Value 0.5936 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 ---

1 Volumetric yields are based on plot weights adjusted to uniform 13% grain moisture and 60 lb/bu as the standard test weight for durum.

2 Protein values adjusted to 13% grain moisture

3 FN is the falling number value reported in seconds adjusted to 14% flour moisture

4 Sawfly rating is reported as the percentage of cut stems

Bold italic indicates highest value within a column

Bold indicates varieties with values equal to highest variety within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (p=0.05)


Managment Information (18-9851-DUR)

Seeding Date 5/7/2018
Harvest Date 8/22/2018
Fertility 100-20-10-10 side banded
System Till
Herbicide Bromac 16 oz/ac, Affinity 1oz/ac
Insecticide None
Previous Crop Chemical Fallow - Winter Wheat
Precipitation 4.0" seeding to harvest maturity

Table 2. Nine-Year Yield and Test Weight Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Leon Cederberg Farm, Turner.  Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2009-2018.
(Exp# 9851-DUR)

Variety Selection2 # Yrs. Tested3 Yield (bu/A)1 Test weight (lb/bu)
144 15 16 17 18 Avg.3 % of Check
9- yr. avg.6 144 15 16 17 18 Avg.3 % of Check
9-yr. avg. twt.6
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 -- 33.0 43.1 16.9 38.6 37.5 108.7 33.0 -- 61.2 59.8 59.0 60.8 60.1 100.3 60.3
D97780  Grenora (+) 9 --  28.8 36.8 17.0 39.2 31.6 104.2 31.6 --  62.0 58.3 59.4 61.1 60.3 100.2 60.3
D00095 Tioga (+) --  31.6 43.7 17.7 40.8 30.7 103.6 31.4 --  62.5 60.3 61.3 62.0 60.8 101.1 60.8
D901313 Mountrail (+) --  30.8  41.7 15.5 35.2 30.3  100.0 30.3 --  60.9 59.3 59.7 60.6 60.2 100.0 60.2
D9715-11 Divide (+) --  27.8  49.7 15.3 34.4 29.7  98.1  29.7 --  61.7 60.1 60.6 61.4 60.7 100.9 60.7
MT03012 Silver (+) --  29.9  38.2 --  --  30.9  97.5  29.6 --  61.5 58.4 -- -- 60.1 100.0 60.1
D04581 Joppa (+) --  30.2  31.0 19.2 39.3 29.9  97.2  29.5 --  62.5 59.4 60.0 61.8 61.0 101.4 61.0
YU894-75 Alzada (P+) --  --  39.3 13.7 33.0 29.3  96.9  29.4 --  --  58.9 60.8 61.1  60.4 100.6 60.5
D96604 Alkabo (+) --  30.5  36.3 15.9 35.1 29.3  96.8  29.3 --  62.3 60.2 60.8 61.5  61.2 101.8 61.2
Means       40.0 16.4 37.0     30.4     59.4 60.2 61.3  ----- ---- 60.2


  14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
Growing season precipitation (in.)7 16.4 n/a 8.6 2.3 4.0 7.9
Soil PAW (in.) to SD @ Planting 8.9 6.3 6.1 n/a n/a 7.8
Total Plant Available Water (in.) 25.2 n/a 14.7 n/a n/a 17.6
Soil NO3 (lbs.) to SD at Planting 65 49 85 n/a n/a 66
SD (Sampling Depth, in.) 48 48 48 n/a n/a 48
Fertilizer Applied

(#N) 100 100 125 100 100 91
(#P2O5) 20 20 20 20 20 28
(#K2O) 10 10 10 10 10 16
(#S) 0 0 10 0 10 2

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics including protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selections.

2 P = private variety; + = Protected variety; ++ = PVP Title 5 pending.

3 Only the most recent 5 years are shown but summary calculations include all years noted.

4 No harvest in 2014 due to hail.

5 Percent of Mountrail yeild or test weight for the same ata years as those in which a given entry was tested.

6 9-year comparable average = (x/y) * z where x = average yield or test weight of a given entry for years tested, y = average yield or test weight for Mountrail for the same years and z = 9-yr average yield or test weight for the check variety Mountrail.

7 Seeding to 14 days prior to harvest maturity.

Table 3. Nine-Year Sawfly Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Leon Cederberg Farm, Turner. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2009-2018. (Exp# 9851-DUR)

Variety Selection2 # Years 
Sawfly Rating (% cut and lodged stems)1 Avg. % of check
9-yr comp. avg.
09 10 11 12 13 143 15 16 17 18
YU984-75 Alzada (P+) 8 8.3 8.3 15.0 16.7 2.3 -- -- 0.0 0.3 0.3 6.4 55.2 5.7
D9715-11 Divide (+) 9 5.0 18.3 16.7 13.3 0.7 -- 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 6.1 59.5 6.1
MT03012 Silver (+) 7 5.7 18.3 18.3 18.3 2.3 -- 0.0 0.0 -- -- 9.0 68.4 7.1
D00095 Tioga (+) 8 -- 21.7 23.3 26.7 2.0 -- 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 9.4 88.6 9.2
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 -- -- -- -- 3.7 -- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.9 92.9 9.6
D04581 Joppa (+) 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.7 0.3 100.0 10.3
D901313 Mountrail (+) 9 8.3 21.7 31.7 26.7 3.7 -- 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.7 10.3 100.0 10.3
D97780 Grenora (+) 9 15.0 25.0 38.3 21.7 3.7 -- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.5 111.5 11.5
D96604 Alkabo (+) 9 8.7 21.7 46.7 20.0 7.0 -- 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 11.7 112.9 11.7
Mean 8.5 19.3 27.1 20.5 3.2 -- -- 0.0 0.3 0.6 -- -- 9.1


  09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
Growing season precipitation6 6.0 10.3 8.3 7.5 n/a 16.4 n/a 8.6 2.3 4.0 7.9
Soil PAW (in.) to SD @ Planting 7.8 9.0 7.9 8.9 7.8 8.9 6.3 6.1 n/a n/a 7.8
Total Plant Available Water (in.) 13.8 19.2 16.2 16.4 n/a 25.2 n/a 14.7 n/a n/a 17.6
Soil NO3 (lbs.) to SD @ Planting 94 162 51 15 11 65 49 85 n/a n/a 66
SD (Sampling Depth, in.) 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 n/a n/a 48
Fertilizer Applied #N 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 125 100 100 91
  #P2O5 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 28
  #K2O 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 16
  #S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 2

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics to include protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selecton decisions.

2 P = Private Variety, + = Protected Variety, ++ = PVP Title 5 Pending.

3 No harvest in 2014 due to hail.

Percent of Mountrail cut for the same data years as those in w hich a given entry w as tested.

5 9-Yr Comparable Average = (x/y) * z w here x = average saw fly rating of a given entry for years tested; y = average saw fly rating for Mountrail for the same years; and z = 9-Yr average saw fly rating for the check variety Mountrail.

6 Seeding to 14 day sprior to harvest maturity.

Table 4. Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Cultivar Evaluation Nursery Grown Off-Station at the Flansaas-Lumsden Farm, Loring. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2018. (Exp# 18-9855-DUR) 

ID Source Stand % Plnt Ht. (in.) Yield bu/a1 Twt lb/bu Protein %2 FN sec.3 Sawfly %4
Mountrail NDSU 95.1 28.4 35.6 60.6 15.6 336 0.3
Divide NDSU 96.1 28.1 32.7 61.1 15.7 323 0.0
Alkabo NDSU 92.1 24.5 29.1 61.9 15.2 320 0.0
Grenora NDSU 90.1 27.1 29.9 61.2 15.9 340 0.7
Tioga NDSU 94.1 27.7 32.4 61.7 16.2 3.7 2.0
Carpio NDSU 91.5 25.7 31.7 61.2 15.0 343 0.3
Joppa NDSU 85.2 26.2 27.1 61.9 16.3 326 0.3
Alzada WestBred 94.1 21.0 31.3 61.3 15.6 380 0.3
Dynamic CDC 97.0 25.7 23.3 60.4 17.5 336 0.7
Fortitude CDC 97.0  24.8 35.2  60.8  16.7  345  0.3 
Precision CDC  90.7  25.0 30.4  61.9  16.6  345  0.0 
Vivid CDC  93.1  25.9 32.8  61.5  15.9  326  0.7 
MT112219 MSU  96.0  21.4 26.9  61.7  16.2  315  0.0 
MTD16001 MSU  90.5  27.4 33.0  60.8  15.2  328  0.0 
MTD16002 MSU  93.4  24.3 34.4  61.2  15.4  331  0.0 
MTD16003 MSU  94.4  23.3 28.7  61.4  14.8  333  0.3 
MTD16004 MSU  96.7  27.1 28.3  61.7  15.7  310  0.7 
MTD16005 MSU  96.7 26.7 32.0  60.4  16.3  324  0.3 
MTD16006 MSU  92.4 24.1 31.9  61.2  16.0  317  0.0 
MTD16007 MSU  90.4 24.9 31.2  61.3  16.3  339  0.0 
MTD16008 MSU  93.4 20.9 26.2  59.3  17.6  293  0.0 
MTD16009 MSU  94.1 23.2 30.7  58.9  16.2  309  0.0 
MTD16010 MSU  89.4 26.0 29.4  60.7  16.2  334  0.7 
MTD16011 MSU  97.1 25.6 34.0  60.1  15.8  328  0.0 
Mean 93.4  25.2 30.8  61.0  16.0  328.7  0.3 
LSD (0.05) 8.7  1.6 3.0  0.6  0.6  21.3  -- 
CV % 5.7  3.9 6.0  0.6  2.4  3.9  -- 
P-Value 0.5343 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001  <0.0001 -- 

Volumetric yields are based on plot weights adjusted to uniform 13 percent grain moisture and 60 lbs/bu as the standard test weight for durum.

2 Protein values are adjusted to 13% grain moisture.

3 FN is falling number reported in seconds adjusted to 14% flour moisture

4 Sawfly rating is reported as the percentage of cut stems.

Bold italic indicates highest value within a column

Bold indicates varieties with values equal to highest variety within a column based on Fishers protected LSD (p = 0.05)


Management Information (18-9855-DUR)

Seeding Date 5/6/2018
Harvest Date 8/21/2018
Fertility 100-20-10-10 side banded
System Till
Herbicide TrumpCard- 20 oz/ac
Insecticide None
Previous Crop Chemical Fallow - Spring Wheat
Precipitation n/a

Table 5. Seven-Year Yield and Test Weight Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Flansaas-Lumsden Farm, Loring. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2011-2018.
(Exp# 9855-DUR) 

Variety Selection2 # yrs. tested3  Yield bu/A1 Test Weight lb/bu
14 15 16 174 18 Avg3 % check
7-yr comp.
avg. yield6
14 15 16 174 18 Avg3 % check
test wt.5
7-yr comp.
avg. twt.
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 39.0 44.3 47.6 -- 31.7 42.1 106.8 38.2 56.7 61.0 61.0 -- 61.2 60.4 101.3 60.5
YU894-75 Alzada (P+) 6 41.1 -- 39.4 -- 31.3 36.2 104.9 37.5 56.8 -- 59.3 -- 61.3 60.0 100.6 60.1
D00095 Tioga (+) 7 37.7 44.9 41.3 -- 32.4 36.9 103.4 36.9 56.0 61.1 60.9 -- 61.7 60.6 101.4 60.6
MT03012 Silver (+) 6 38.6 39.7 40.4 -- -- 36.8 102.9 36.8 56.7 60.2 59.4 -- -- 59.8 100.2 59.9
D901313 Mountrail (+) 7 34.8 43.2 38.6 -- 35.6 35.7 100.0 35.7 56.7 60.4 59.3 -- 60.6 59.8 100.0 59.8
D96604 Alkabo (+) 7 39.2 39.9 34.7 -- 29.1 35.7 99.8 35.7 56.8 61.3 60.6 -- 61.9 60.9 101.9 60.9
D9715-11 Divide (+) 7 39.8 38.6 42.2 -- 32.7 35.4 99.1 35.4 57.7 60.6 59.9 -- 61.1 60.6 101.3 60.6
D97780 Grenora (+) 7 39.0 40.2 36.5 -- 29.9 34.6 96.8 34.6 56.2 60.5 59.3 -- 61.2 59.8 100.0 59.8
D04581 Joppa (+) 4 39.4 43.0 37.6 -- 27.1 36.8 96.6 34.5 56.9 61.1 60.1 -- 61.9 60.0 101.3 60.5
Mean   38.7 41.7 39.8 -- 31.2 -- -- 36.1 56.7 60.8 60.0 -- 61.4 -- -- 60.3


  14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
Growing Season Precipitation (in.)7 5.6 8.9 7.2 n/a n/a 7.8
Soil PAW (in.) to SD @ Planting 8.9 8.2 3.7 n/a n/a 7.6
Total Plant Available Water (in.) 14.5 17.2 10.9 n/a n/a 15.2
Soil NO3 (lbs.) to SD at Planting 64 41 25 n/a n/a 41
SD (Sampling Depth in.) 48 48 24 n/a n/a 44
Fertilizer Applied

#N 100 100 125 125 100 99
#P2O5 20 20 20 20 20 25
#K2O 10 10 10 10 10 14
#S 0 0 10 10 10 4

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics to include protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selecton decisions.

2 P = Private Variety, + = Protected Variety, ++ = PVP Title 5 Pending.

3 Only the most recent 5 years show n, but summary calculations include all years noted.

4 No harvest in 2017 due to hail.

5 Percent of Mountrail yield or test weight for the same data years as those in which a given entry was tested.

6 7-Yr Comparable Average = (x/y) * z w here x = average yield or test w eight of a given entry for years tested, y = average yield or test w eight for Mountrail for the same years, and z = 7-Yr average yield or test w eight for the check variety Mountrail.

7 Seeding to 14 days prior to harvest maturity.

Table 6. Seven-Year Sawfly Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Flansaas-Lumsden Farm, Loring. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2011-2018. (Exp# 9855-DUR) 

Variety Selection2 # years
Sawfly Rating (% cut/lodged stems)1
11 12 13 14 15 16 173 18 Avg. for years
% of check
7-yr. comp. 
avg. sawfly5
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 -- -- 2.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 -- 0.3 0.6 37.5 2.1
YU894-75 Alzada (P+) 6 10.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 -- 0.0 -- 0.3 2.9 43.7 2.5
D9715-11 Divide (+) 7 13.3 3.7 5.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 -- 0.0 3.2 57.1 3.2
MT03012 Silver (+) 6 15.0 3.7 3.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 -- -- 3.9 59.3 3.4
D97780 Grenora (+) 7 20.0 8.3 6.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 -- 0.7 5.1 90.8 5.1
D901313 Mountrail (+) 7 20.0 11.7 7.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 -- 0.3 5.7 100.0 5.7
D04581 Joppa (+) 4 -- -- -- 0.7 0.0 0.0 -- 0.3 0.3 100.0 5.7
D96604 Alkabo (+) 7 23.3 8.3 8.3 1.0 0.0 0.0 -- 0.0 0.0 103.3 5.9
D00095 Tioga (+) 7 25.0 10.0 8.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 -- 2.0 2.0 119.3 6.8
Mean 18.1 7.2 5.3 0.9 0.0 0.0 -- 0.5 -- -- 4.5


  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
Growing Season Precipitation (in.) n/a n/a 9.5 5.6 8.9 7.2 n/a n/a 7.8
Soil PAW (in.) to SD @ Planting 7.1 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.2 3.7 n/a n/a 7.6
Total Plant Available Water (in.) n/a n/a 18.3 14.5 17.2 10.9 n/a n/a 15.2
Soil NO3 (lbs.) to SD at Planting 50 34 34 64 41 25 n/a n/a 41
SD (Sampling Depth in.) 48 48 48 48 48 24 n/a n/a 44
Fertilizer Applied #N 70 70 100 100 100 125 125 100 99
  #P2O5 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 25
  #K2O 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 14
  #S 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 4

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics to include protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selecton decisions.

2 P = Private Variety, + = Protected Variety, ++ = PVP Title 5 Pending.

3 No harvest in 2017 due to hail.

4 Percent of Mountrail saw fly rating for the same data years as those in which a given entry was tested.

5 7-Yr Comparable Average = (x/y) * z where x = average saw fly rating of a given entry for years tested, y = sawfly rating for Mountrail for the same years, and z = 7-Yr sawfly rating for the check variety Mountrail.

6 Seeding to 14 days prior to harvest maturity.

Table 7. Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Cultivar Evaluation Nursery Grown Off-Station at the Kammerzell Farm, Chester. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2018. (Exp# 18-9853-DUR)

Entry Source Stand % Plant Ht. in. Yield bu/A1 Test weight lb/bu Protein %2 FN sec3 Sawfly %4
Alkabo NDSU 99.0 32.6 30.1 57.1 17.1 336 0.5
Alzada WestBred 99.7 28.0 33.9 54.4 16.8 367 1.8
Carpio NDSU 98.4 31.5 27.0 55.3 17.4 337 0.3
Divide NDSU 99.3 33.1 28.4 57.8 16.6 348 0.5
Dynamic CDC 100.0 31.8 27.3 55.9 18.6 305 0.0
Fortitude CDC 99.3 32.0 29.6 55.8 18.0 353 0.2
Grenora NDSU 98.4 32.3 29.6 56.0 17.5 343 0.3
Joppa NDSU 98.0 35.0 24.7 56.4 17.1 318 0.7
Mountrail NDSU 99.7 31.3 30.0 55.0 17.7 334 0.5
Precision CDC  99.3  33.3  34.8 58.0  18.0  361  0.2 
Tioga NDSU 99.7  35.1  30.9 57.2  18.2  358  0.2 
Vivid CDC  98.7  34.1  31.0 56.8  18.1  337  0.3 
MT112219 MSU 99.0  28.0  31.4 55.9  16.1  343  0.3 
MTD16001 MSU 99.0  33.0  28.6 56.9  17.1  348  0.5 
MTD16002 MSU 99.3  31.5  25.7 57.0  17.0  331  0.0 
MTD16003 MSU 98.7  31.7  29.9 56.2  17.4  345  0.7 
MTD16004 MSU 98.7  32.9  33.7 58.1  17.5  341  0.3 
MTD16005 MSU 99.0  34.3  25.2 55.5  18.0  349  0.2 
MTD16006 MSU 99.3  36.2  28.0 57.7  17.4  335  0.3 
MTD16007 MSU 99.0  33.0  27.8 56.4  18.0  337  0.3 
MTD16008 MSU 99.7  34.1  22.4 55.9  17.1  353  1.7 
MTD16009 MSU 98.4  32.1  24.0 53.2  17.7  333  0.3 
MTD16010 MSU  98.4  33.1  26.0 56.8  17.0  347  0.0 
MTD16011 MSU 98.4  33.6  27.0 55.6  17.4  344  0.5 
Means  99.0  32.6  28.6 56.3  17.5  341.8  0.4 
LSD (0.05)  2.1  2.2  3.5 0.6  0.7  10.6  -- 
CV %  1.3  4.2  7.5 0.7  2.5  1.9  -- 
P-Value  0.9350  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  <0.0001  -- 

1 Volumetric yields are based on plot weights adjusted to uniform 13 percent grain moisture and 60 lbs/bu as the standard test weight for durum.

2 Protein values are adjusted to 13% grain moisture.

3 FN is the falling number value reported in seconds adjusted to 14% flour moisture.

4 Sawfly rating is reported as the percentage of cut stems.

Bold italics indicate highest value within a column.

Bold incidates varieties with values equal to highest variety within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (p=0.05)


Management Information (18-9853-DUR)

Seeding Date 5/8/2018
Harvest Date 8/24/2018
Fertility 100-20-10 side banded
System No till
Herbicide None
Insecticide None
Previous Crop Chemical Fallow - Spring Wheat
Precipitation n/a

Table 8. Five-Year Yield and Test Weight Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Kammerzell Farm, Chester. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2014-2018.
(Exp# 9853-DUR) 

Variety Selection # yrs.
Yield bu/A1

Test Weight (lb/bu)

14 15 16 17 18 Avg. % check
5-yr comp.
avg. yield4
14 15 16 17 18 Avg. % check
5-yr comp.
avg. twt4
MT03012 Silver (+) 3 33.7 24.1 29.0 -- -- 29.0 111.4 31.6 53.7 56.0 50.3 -- -- 53.3 98.8 54.1
YU894-75 Alzada (P+) 4 35.8 -- 28.3 31.9 33.9 32.5 108.4 30.8 53.9 -- 50.2 57.7 54.4 54.1 99.5 54.4
D00095 Tioga (+) 5 33.0 21.5 27.4 30.7 30.9 28.7 101.1 28.7 55.0 57.6 52.0 59.5 57.2 56.3 102.8 56.3
D901313 Mountrail (+) 5 31.8 22.2 24.0 33.9 30.0 28.4 100.0 28.4 54.5 56.2 51.3 56.6 55.0 54.7 100.0 54.7
D96604 Alkabo (+) 5 37.0 21.7 21.3 27.5 30.1 27.5 96.9 27.5 55.1 57.8 53.2 59.7 57.1 56.2 102.7 56.2
D9715-11 Divide (+) 5 34.1 20.0 24.9 29.9 28.4 27.4 96.7 27.4 53.7 57.8 51.6 58.7 57.8 55.9 102.2 55.9
D97780 Grenora (+) 5 27.3 21.9 25.4 33.1 29.6 27.4 96.6 27.4 54.1 57.6 50.6 57. 56.0 55.1 100.6 55.1
D04581 Joppa (+) 5 33.4 22.7 24.4 29.9 24.7 27.0 95.2 27.0 53.4 57.9 51.3 58.2 56.4 55.4 101.3 55.4
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 34.6 19.4 24.6 26.6 27.0 26.5 93.2 26.5 55.0 56.6 52.8 56.9 55.3 55.3 101.1 55.3
Mean 33.4 21.7 25.5 30.5 29.3 -- -- 28.4 54.3 57.2 51.5 57.8 56.2 -- -- 55.3

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website at for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics to include protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selecton decisions.

2 P = private variety, + = Protected Variety, ++ = PVP Title 5 pending.

3 Percent of Mountrail sawfly rating for the same data years as those in which a given entry was tested.

4 5-Yr Comparable Average = (x/y) * z where x = average yield or test weight rating of a given entry for years tested, y = yield or test weight rating for Mountrail for the same years, and z = 5-Yr yield or test weight rating for the check variety Mountrail. 

5 Seeding for 14 days prior to harvest maturity.

Table 9. Five-Year Sawfly Summary on Selected Entries from Dryland Fallow Spring Durum Variety Nurseries Grown Off-Station at the Kammerzell Farm, Chester. Northern Agricultural Research Center. Havre, Montana. 2014-2018. (Exp# 9853-DUR) 

Variety Selection2 # yrs.
              Sawfly Rating (% cut/lodged)1
14 15 16 17 18 Avg. % check
5-yr. comp.
avg. sawfly4
D97780 Grenora (+) 5 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 7.9 0.3
D03028 Carpio (+) 5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 7.9 0.3
D9715-11 Divide (+) 5 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.4 10.2 0.4
MT03012 Silver (+) 3 1.0 0.7 1.0 -- -- 0.9 12.9 0.5
YU894-75 Alzada (P+) 4 0.3 -- 2.3 0.3 1.8 1.2 22.8 1.0
D04581 Joppa (+) 5 2.3 0.3 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.0 23.6 1.0
D96604 Alkabo (+) 5 2.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 24.4 1.0
D00095 Tioga (+) 5 1.0 2.0 5.0 0.7 0.2 1.8 41.7 1.8
D901313 Mountrail (+) 5 20.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 4.2 100.0 4.2
Mean   3.0 0.5 1.3 0.5 -- -- -- 1.2


  14 15 16 17 18 Avg.
Growing Season Precipitation (in.)5 n/a 5.0 8.3 2.8 n/a 5.3
Soil PAW (in.) to SD @ Planting 13.7 9.8 n/a n/a n/a 11.7
Total Plant Available Water (in.) n/a 14.8 n/a n/a n/a 14.8
Soil NO3 (lbs.) to SD @ Planting 257 251 n/a n/a n/a 254
SD (Samplind Depth in.) 48 48 48 n/a n/a 48
Fertilizer Applied #N 100 100 125 100 100 105
  #P2O5 20 20 20 20 20 20
  #K2O 10 10 10 10 10 10
  #S 0 0 10 0 0 2

Check variety is Mountrail.

1 See MCES Bulletin 1093 or the Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology website at for evaluation of other important variety performance characteristics to include protein, quality, disease resistance, etc. before making cultivar selecton decisions.

2 P = private variety, + = Protected Variety, ++ = PVP Title 5 pending.

3 Percent of Mountrail sawfly rating for the same data years as those in which a given entry was tested.

4 5-Yr Comparable Average = (x/y) * z where x = average yield or test weight rating of a given entry for years tested, y = yield or test weight rating for Mountrail for the same years, and z = 5-Yr yield or test weight rating for the check variety Mountrail. 

5 Seeding for 14 days prior to harvest maturity.