
Evaluate fungicides for crop tolerance and stripe rust control in spring wheat.

Materials and Methods:

Buck Pronto spring wheat was planted on May 3 in a field previously cropped to barley.  A tankmix of Axial (16.4 oz/A) and Huskie (11 oz/A) was applied on June 5 to control weeds. Fungicides were applied were applied on June 19, 2017 using a CO2 backpack sprayer equipped with TeeJet XR11002 nozzles in a volume of 20 GPA.   The crop was 13 inches tall and was in the boot stage. Stripe rust infection at application was about 10 percent.  The study was treated with Curtail at 2 pt/A on June 19 for the control of Canada thistle.


All treatments afforded excellent crop tolerance.   Similarly, all treatments initially provided excellent control of stripe rust.  That being said, hot, dry conditions prevent the disease from developing into a serious outbreak.  There was essentially no infection present when the study was evaluated at 25 days after applications or at harvest.  Concurrently, there were no treatment differences detected for yield, protein or test weight.


The drought and heat stress prevented the initial stripe rust infection from increasing, which in turn, prevented an assessment of the fungicide treatments.


Table 1. Materials and Methods.

Seeding Date: 5/3/2017 Harvest Date: 8/16/2017
Julian Date: 123 Julian Date: 228
Seeding Rate: 85 lb/A Soil Type: Creston SiL
Previous Crop: Barley Soil Test: 38-19-78
Tillage: Conventional Fertilizer: 150-30-30


Table 2. Effect of Absolute Maxx and Prosaro on stripe rust control in spring wheat       

  Treatment      Rate 26-Jun 26-Jun 14-Jul 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug
% % % % bu/A % lb/bu
Untreated   0 20.7 3.7 0 67.7 14.2 60.3
Absolute Maxx 4 fl oz/a 60.5  14.2  60.4 
Induce 90 SL 0.125 % v/v
Absolute Maxx 5 fl oz/a 1.3  65.3  14.3  60.4 
Induce 90 SL 0.125 % v/v
Prosaro 5 fl oz/a 0.3  65.5  14.3  60.5 
Induce 90 SL 0.125 % v/v
Tebuzol 3.6F 4 fl oz/a 0.7  63.4  14.4  60.2 
Induce 90 SL 0.125 % v/v
Mean   0 4.8 0.74 0 64.48 14.28 60.36
LSD P=.05   . 21.76 1.94 . 9.81 0.32 0.59
CV   0 240.74 140.84 0 8.08 1.21 0.52
Pr>F   1 0.2278 0.008 1 0.5602 0.8106 0.7086
CI: Crop injury, SR: Stripe rust, YLD: Yield, PRO: Protein, TWT: Test weight.