
To evaluate the performance of blended Vida or Tyra with Egan


Spring wheat cultivars Vida and Tyra were blended with Egan seeds, and planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The three blends were 75%, 50% and 25% Egan to Tyra or Vida, and three checks, 100% Egan, Tyra and Vida. Plants were sampled for blend accuracy in live plants, and no difference was found.

All traits besides heading date and stand count were significant for treatment effect. Yield was significant for blends and checks. The 100% Vida had the highest yield of 140 bu/A, while the lowest was 100% Egan at 114.6 bu/A. The average was 122.2 bu/A. As the blend portion of Vida and Tyra increased, yield also increased.

Protein was also significant, with an average of 14.2%. The highest protein was 100% Egan at 15.4%, and the lowest was 100% Tyra at 13%. In blending Tyra or Vida with Egan, one can be assured of protein greater than 14% if Egan is at least 50% of the blend (Fig. 2B). The grain protein increased (with linear trend) shown in Fig. 1B as Egan percentage in the blend is increased. Falling numbers followed the same trend as protein (Fig. 1C).

Falling numbers were highest at 459.7 and lowest at 318.8 seconds.  Test weight, thousand seed weight and plant height were also significant. Test weight ranged from 61.8 to 62.8 lb/bu.  Thousand seed weight ranged from 38.8 g to 42.1 g with an average of 39.6 g. Plant height ranged from 37.6 to 40.6 inches.

In general, mixing Egan with Tyra/Vida resulted in increased protein content and falling numbers; however, it also resulted in lowered yield, but specifically only for Vida.  This lowered yield effect when mixing Egan with Tyra was not observed. Despite the linear trend shown in in Fig 1A (Tyra, closed symbols), statistically, yields are similar for the various blends between Tyra and Egan.

Detailed management information and agronomic data are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.


Table 1. Management information   

Seeding date: 5/2/2018 Harvest date: 8/30/2018
Julian date: 122 Julian date: 242
Seeding rate: 25 plants/ft2 Soil type: Creston silt loam
Previous crop: pea Soil nutrient residual (lb/A): 123-6-82 (Fall, 2017)
Tillage: conventional Nutrient fertilizer applied (lb/A): 40-40-100
Insecticide: Warrior2 Fungicide: Headline


Three Tables. All showing the relationship between percentage of Tyra or Vida against Figure A Yield, Figure B Protein, and Figure C falling number.

Figure 1

Yield (A), protein (B), and falling number (C) response to blending Tyra or Vida with Egan.


 Table 2. Agronomic Performance

Egan to Other  HD HT YLD1 PRO2 TWT1 TKW FN
----------%-----------  Julian in bu/A % lb/bu g seconds
0 Egan 100 Vida 180 40.6 140 13.4 62.1 42.1 343.1
25 Egan 75 Vida 180 40.4 128.8 13.6 62.1 39.5 375.8
50 Egan 50 Vida 180 41.1 125.9 14.4 61.9 40.7 383.8
75 Egan 25 Vida 180 39.6 120.1 14.8 62 39.5 426.2
100 Egan 0 Vida 180 39.9 114.6 15 61.8 38.8 459.7
0 Egan 100 Tyra 180 34.6 122.2 13 62.8 39 318.8
25 Egan 75 Tyra 181 37.6 119.8 13.6 62.4 39.3 346.4
50 Egan 50 Tyra 180 37.7 120.1 14.2 62.3 38.9 366.9
75 Egan 25 Tyra 180 37.6 114.9 14.8 62 40 383.6
100 Egan 0 Tyra 180 39.7 115.1 15.4 61.8 38.1 454.3
Mean  180 38.9 122.2 14.2 62.1 39.6 385.9
CV  0.2 4.8 6.1 5.2 0.5 2.7 11.6
LSD  ns 2.2 10.9 0.5 0.3 1.9 27.2
Pr>F  ns 0.0003 0.0031 <.0001 <.0001 0.0209 <.0001
HD: heading date, HT: plant height, YLD: yield, PRO: protein, TWT: test weight, TKW: thousand kernel weight, FN: falling number        
ns: not significant (alpha = 0.05)        
1 Adjusted to 13% moisture        
2 Adjusted to 12% moisture