
To identify the optimum planting dates and varieties of winter canola to ensure winter survival and high yield potential in northwestern Montana


Clint Beiermann, Jessica Pavelka                


Six varieties of winter canola were planted at three planting dates: August 15th, September 1st, and September 15th of 2020. They were managed using irrigation and all were harvested on August 11th of 2021 (Table 1).

Yield was affected by planting date and canola variety. Canola planted on August 15 and Sep 1 yielded 105 bu/A and 103 bu/A, respectively, outyielding canola planted September 15. Average yield decreased as planting was delayed beyond August 15 with the highest average yield at 105 bu/A for August 15 to the lowest average at 96 bu/A for September 15 (Table 2, Figure 2). Within the August 15 planting date the varieties CP1022WC, P_Quartz, and R_Mercedes were the highest yielding. Within the September 1 planting date P_Quartz, R_Mercedes, and R_PluraxCL were the highest yielding varieties (Table 2).

Canola survival rate during the overwinter period was affected by planting date. Canola planted on August 15 and September 1 suffered stand reduction near 20% (Table 4). Canola planted on September 15 resulted in significantly poorer survival and 41.6% stand reduction was observed during the overwintering period.  

Oil content is generally high for all varieties planted in the study, with oil content values ranging from 47.4% up to 51%. Oil content was affected by variety with R_Mercedes having the highest oil content at 51.2% (Table 3).

Based on our first season results, planting dates between August 15th to September 1st would be optimum to establish winter canola in northwestern Montana. Repeated years of research on this study will strengthen results.


Table 1. Management information

Seeding date: 8/15/2020 Field Location: R3
Julian date: 272 Harvest date: 8/12/2021
Seeding rate: 18.4 plants/ft2 Julian date: 224
Previous crop: Spring Wheat Soil type: Fine Sandy Loam
Herbicide: None Tillage: Conventional
Insecticide: Lambda-CY 6/11/21

Soil residual nutrient

(NO3-1, P, K lb/A):

Fungicide: None

Nutrient fertilizer applied

(N, P2O5, K20 lb/A):

Applied Spring 2021



Table 2. Agronomic performance of the winter canola varieties based on planting date

Planting Date Average Yield Variety Survival Yield
  (bu/A)   (%) (bu/A)
15-Aug 105.2 CP1022WC 90.3 105.7
    CP225RR 94.5 92.1
    CP320RR 91.8 92.8
    P_Quartz 90.5 114.2
    R_Mercedes 95.0 119.3
    R_PluraxCL 86.3 107.1
1-Sep 103.1 CP1022WC 92.5 103.7
    CP225RR 95.0 91.8
    CP320RR 93.3 94.1
    P_Quartz 93.5 110.2
    R_Mercedes 95.5 109.6
    R_PluraxCL 85.5 109.4
15-Sep 96.3 CP1022WC 70.0 83.5
    CP225RR 70.0 89.3
    CP320RR 73.3 88.9
    P_Quartz 71.3 99.8
    R_Mercedes 85.5 108.7
    R_PluraxCL 83.8 107.6
CV 8.9   86.5 7.2
LSD 6.4   5.6 10.4
Mean 101.5   6.8 101.5
PR>F 0.03312   <.0001 <.0001
Bolding denotes equal value to highest or earliest value within a column based on LSD(0.05)


Table 3. Oil content by variety

Variety Oil %
R_Mercedes 51.2
R_PluraxCL 50.5
P_Quartz 50.4
CP1022WC 48.3
CP225RR 47.9
CP320RR 47.4
Mean 49.3
CV 1.4
LSD 0.6
PR>F <0.001

Bolding denotes equal value to highest or

earliest value within a column based on LSD(0.05)


Table 4. Stand reduction by planting date

Planting Date Stand Reduction %
15-Aug 23.2
1-Sep 17.9
15-Sep 41.6
CV 61.4
LSD 12.0
Mean 27.6
PR>F 0.007

Bolding denotes equal value to highest or

earliest value within a column based on LSD(0.05)


Figure 1 winter canola yield by planting date

Figure 1

Winter canola yield by planting date


Line graph showing the regression of yield for 30 days after August 15th planting date

Figure 2

Regression of yield for 30 days after August 15th planting date