COA/MAES Teaching & Equipment RFP
Background: COA/MAES is pleased to announce an equipment RFP for each component of our operations. The College of Agriculture has set aside $40,000 for instructional equipment and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station has set aside $410,000 for research equipment. The funding will be spread across two fiscal years.
Faculty | Project |
Shannon Moreaux |
Blacksmith Buddy- equine leg/hoof simulator |
Andi Shockley |
Mechanical Cow |
Patt Carr |
Bobcat 3650 Utility Vehicle with Enduraplas Field Boss Sprayer 365 |
Peggy Lamb |
Tractor for use with specialty crop plot seeder |
Jessica Torrion |
Chisel plow for small grain research |
David Gettel |
7-foot field cultivator and 75 horsepower utility tractor |
David Baumbauer | Teaching microscopes for PGC classrooms |
Andreas Fischer | Microplate absorbance and fluorescence reader |
Nina Zidak | BioRad 96xs Realtime PCR |
Deanna Nash |
Mixograph mixer and bowls |
Alan Dyer | Mitsubishi Binder - One Row Rice Binder |
Prashant Jha | DeVries Generation 4-Research Track Sprayer |
Kent McVay | Sprinkler irrigation system, 4" pipe |
Jennifer Thomson |
Ultralow temperature freezer, NanoDrop One Spectrophotometer |
Jed Eberly | PP Systems CFLUX-1 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System |
Frankie Crutcher | Overhead misting system for fusarium head blight research |
Paul Stoy |
Nitrous oxide gas analyzer |
Stephanie Ewing |
AquaLog spectrometer for dissolved organic matter analysis, Microwave digester |
Eric Boyd | Gilson Mini-Crusher |
Mensur Dlakic | Computer equipment for teaching and research |
Maryse Bourgault | WinRHIZO system PRO LA2400, UAV crop, range and land imaging research package |
Jennifer Lachowiec | Network associated storage for genomics data |