Background: COA/MAES is pleased to announce an equipment RFP for each component of our operations.  The College of Agriculture has set aside $40,000 for instructional equipment and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station has set aside $410,000 for research equipment.  The funding will be spread across two fiscal years.

Funded 18/19 Projects: 
Faculty  Project 
Shannon Moreaux

Blacksmith Buddy- equine leg/hoof simulator

Andi Shockley

Mechanical Cow 

Patt Carr

Bobcat 3650 Utility Vehicle with Enduraplas Field Boss Sprayer 365

Peggy Lamb 

Tractor for use with specialty crop plot seeder

Jessica Torrion

Chisel plow for small grain research
David Gettel

7-foot field cultivator and 75 horsepower utility tractor 

David Baumbauer Teaching microscopes for PGC classrooms
Andreas Fischer Microplate absorbance and fluorescence reader
Nina Zidak BioRad 96xs Realtime PCR
Deanna Nash

Mixograph mixer and bowls

Alan Dyer  Mitsubishi Binder - One Row Rice Binder
Prashant Jha  DeVries Generation 4-Research Track Sprayer
Kent McVay Sprinkler irrigation system, 4" pipe
Jennifer Thomson

Ultralow temperature freezer, NanoDrop One Spectrophotometer

Jed Eberly  PP Systems CFLUX-1 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System
Frankie Crutcher  Overhead misting system for fusarium head blight research
Paul Stoy 

Nitrous oxide gas analyzer 

Stephanie Ewing 

AquaLog spectrometer for dissolved organic matter analysis, Microwave digester 

Eric Boyd Gilson Mini-Crusher
Mensur Dlakic  Computer equipment for teaching and research
Maryse Bourgault  WinRHIZO system PRO LA2400, UAV crop, range and land imaging research package
Jennifer Lachowiec  Network associated storage for genomics data