Winter Wheat Variety Notes & Comments
Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center, Conrad, MT Winterhardiness ratings: 5 = very good; 1 = poor.
Coleoptile length: Long = 3.4" or more; Short = 3" or less.
Stem solidness scores of 19 or higher are generally required for reliable sawfly resistance.
Accipiter (Sask. DH0018196): First tested in 2008. High yield in 2008. 4” taller than Falcon. Similar to Falcon for test weight, head date and protein. Parentage = Raptor x Falcon.
Bauermeister (WA7939, 2005): Winterhardiness = 2. Medium height, med-strong straw. Medium coleoptile. Very late maturity. Very low test weight.
Bearpaw (MSU, 2011): Awned, white-glumed, solid-stem (stem solidness score = 21.8), semi-dwarf hard red winter wheat. Maturiety similar to CDC Falcon, and a day earlier than Genou and Rampart. About 3.5 inches shorter than Genou and Rampart, with yields similar to CDC Falcon and higher than Genou and Rampart. Susceptible to strip and leaf rust. Resistant to prevalent races of stem rust and UG99.
Big Sky (MT9432, 2001): Nuwest/Tiber cross, hard red kernels, white chaff. Good winterhardiness (4). Strong, stiff straw, very good lodging resistance, height equal to Tiber. Medium coleoptile. Medium maturity, heading 1-2 days later than Rocky, but 2 days earlier than Tiber and Morgan. Yield about equal to Rocky, and 2-3 bu higher than Tiber. High test weight and protein. Post-harvest seed dormancy is high, like Tiber. Septoria and tan spot resistance is good. A good alternative to Tiber.
Bond (CO 2004): Winterhardiness = 2. Clearfield system IMI resistant. Stiff straw, medium height & coleoptile, early maturity. Above average yield. Average test weight. Resistant to biotype 1 Russian wheat aphid. Low protein and poor quality.
Buteo (CDC, WPB, Sask., 2006): Winterhardiness = 4. Standard height, medium coleoptile. Medium-late maturity. Below average yield. Above average test wt. Average protein.
Bynum (MSU & WPB, 2005): Clearfield system single-gene resistance to imazamox or ‘Beyond’ herbicide. Winterhardiness = 2. Medium strong straw, medium height, long coleoptile. Stem solidness = 20 (compared to 22 for Rampart), which typically provides a reliable level of sawfly tolerance. Similar in yield and other characteristics to Rampart. Sawfly resistant, low yield, high protein, and excellent baking quality.
Carter (WestBred, 2007): Winterhardiness = 3. Semidwarf height, stiff straw, short coleoptile. Stem solidness score =15. Medium early heading. Average yield. Above average test weight. Average protein. Moderate resistance to stripe rust.
Colter (MSU, 2013): White chaffed, hard red winter wheat. A high yielding winter wheat, similar to Yellowstone. Colter has a test weight of 0.5 lb higher than Yellowstone, heading two days later than Yellowstone. Colter has good stem rust resistance when related to Yellowstone. It is resistant to prevalent races of stripe rust, but susceptible to leaf rust.
Darrell (S. Dak., 2006): Medium height and coleoptile. Medium-early heading. High yield. Average test weight and protein.
Decade (MSU/NDSU, 2009): White chaffed, hard red winter wheat, with winter hardiness almost equal to Jerry. High yield potential, medium to high test weight, early maturity, and medium to high grain protein.
Falcon (CDC, WPB, Sask. 1999): Good winter-hardiness (4). Semi-dwarf, stiff straw, 4” shorter than Rocky. Short coleoptile. The first true winter hardy semi-dwarf available for irrigated conditions in Montana. Heading 1 day later than Rocky, 2 days earlier than Neeley & Tiber. Above average yield and test weight on dryland, good performance for irrigated or high rainfall conditions. Protein similar to Rocky. Not for stripe rust areas.
Genou (MSU, 2004): Sawfly resistant. Stem solidness not quite as solid as Rampart; and may be more sensitive to environmental factors than that of Rampart. Solid stem comparison: (max rating = 25): Rampart = 22, Genou = 19. Winterhardiness higher than Vanguard and Rampart, equal to Rocky. Medium stiff straw. Height similar to Vanguard, and 2” shorter than Rocky. Medium coleoptile. Maturity 1-2 days later than Rocky. Yield 7% higher than Vanguard & Rampart, 5% less than Rocky. Average test weight and protein.
Hawken (AgriPro, 2007): Semidwarf height, short coleoptile. Early maturity. Yield is below average. Above average test weight and protein.
Hatcher (CO 2004): Winterhardiness = 2. Strong straw, semidwarf height, medium coleoptile. Early maturity. Low protein. Resistant to biotype 1 Russian wheat aphid and Great Plains biotype Hessian fly. Very low quality.
Jagalene (AgriPro, 2002): Winterhardiness = 2. Semidwarf, stiff straw, medium coleoptile. Early maturity, 1 day earlier than Rocky. Shatter resistant. Average yield. Very high test weight. Avg protein, but higher than Rocky. Good milling quality. Good disease resistance package (stem & stripe rust, tan spot and Septoria).
Jerry (ND, 2001): Winterhardiness high (5). Medium-stiff, med-tall straw, medium coleoptile. Medium-late maturity. Yield is below average, except in winterkill areas where it’s above average. Below-average test weight. Average protein. Has one of the worst sawfly stem-cutting ratings. Shatter susceptible.
Judee (MSU, 2011): Awned, white-glumed, solid-stem (stem solidness score = 20.1), semi-dwarf hard red winter wheat with good straw strength. Maturiety similar to CDC Falcon, and a half day earlier than Genou and Rampart. About 2.5 inches shorter than Genou and Rampart, with yields similar to CDC Falcon and higher than Genou and Rampart. Winter hardiness is medium to low. Susceptible to prevalent races stem and leaf rust, but is resistant to stripe rust.
Ledger (WestBred, 2005): Winterhardiness = 2. Semidwarf height & stiff straw, 4” less than Rocky. Medium coleoptile. Stem solidness = 10, variable & sensitive to cloudy conditions; not a reliable level of sawfly tolerance. Early heading. Above avg yield & test wt. Avg protein and acceptable quality. Moderate stripe rust resistance.
Morgan (Sask & WPB, 1996): High winterhardiness (5). Standard height. Medium stiff straw. Very short coleoptile. Three days later to head and slightly later maturity than Rocky; heading similar to Neeley. Below average yield. Test wt 1-lb less than Rocky or Tiber. Protein slightly higher than Rocky, similar to Neeley. Milling and baking acceptable. Recommended for areas needing high levels of winterhardiness.
MT08172 (MSU): Awned, white-glumed, high-yielding hard red winter wheat. Similar to Yellowstone for most agronomic traits with the exception of test weight, MT08172 is about 0.5 lb/bu higher. Better stem rust resistant than Yellowstone, moderately resistant to prevalent races of stem rust including UG99. Also, moderately resistant to stripe rust, but susceptible to leaf rust. Medium to late maturity, 2.5 days later than CDC Falcon and 4 days later than Jagalene. Similar in height to Yellowstone.
Neeley (Idaho, 1980): Winterhardiness medium (3). Medium short straw. Medium coleoptile. Medium-late maturity. Susceptible to stem rust. High yielder in good years, but does poor if stressed for moisture. Below average test weight. Good shatter resistance. Protein & quality are erratic, ranging from low to high. Not for stripe rust areas.
Norris (MSU & WPB, 2005): Clearfield system single-gene resistance to imazamox or ‘Beyond’ herbicide (which controls cheatgrass, goatgrass and wild oats). Winterhardiness = 3. Stiff straw, medium height, medium coleoptile. Early maturity. Above average yield and test weight. Average protein, good quality. Replaces MT1159CL.
Northern (MSU, 2015): Hard red winter wheat developed the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and available to growers in fall 2015. Northern is a medium-late maturing, medium-short statured wheat, with white chaff. Northern has average yield (similar to Yellowstone and Colter), average test weight, and average protein. Northern is resistant to both stem and stripe rust. Northern is a low PPO variety with average milling and average baking properties. PVP, Title V will be applied for.
Promontory (Utah, 1990): Red head. Winter hardiness poor (2 or less). Medium-short, medium-strong straw. Short coleoptile. Medium maturity. Excellent stripe rust & dwarf smut resistance; Stem rust susceptible. Average yield and above average test weight. Protein medium low. Has severe sawfly stem cutting ratings.
Pryor (WPB, 2002): Winterhardiness 3 = Neeley. Short stiff straw, 4” shorter than Neeley. Short coleoptile. Medium late maturity similar to Neeley & Tiber, 2 days later than Rocky. Above average yield. Average test weight and protein, good quality. Intended mainly for Central Montana as a replacement for Neeley. Not for stripe rust areas.
Rampart (MSU, 1996): Sawfly resistant (sister line to Vanguard). Solid stem rating = 22. Red chaff, upright head. Winterhardiness is marginal (2-). Should not be grown in areas where high levels of winterhardiness are needed, unless protected by stubble. Height 1 inch shorter than Neeley, med-stiff straw. Very long coleoptile. Matures 1 day later than Rocky, 2 days earlier than Neeley. Some resistance to stem rust, and some tolerance to wheat streak mv. Medium shatter resistance. Yield is below average, but is above average under heavy sawfly conditions. Does not seem as prone to shatter as Vanguard. Good test weight, protein and quality. See Genou.
Ripper (Colorado, 2006): Semidwarf height, medium coleoptile. Early maturity. Above average yield and test weight. Average protein.
Rocky (Agripro, 1978): A selection from Centurk for soil borne mosaic resistance. Winterhardiness = 2. Medium weak straw, medium height. Medium coleoptile. Early maturity. High yield. Very susceptible to yellow berry expression under low nitrogen conditions. Medium protein. See Jagalene and Ledger for shorter-straw alternatives.
SY Clearstone 2CL (MSU/Syngenta): SY Clearstone is a 2-gene Clearfield hard red winter wheat. SY Clearstone 2CL has yields similar to Yellowstone, and about 10 bu/a more than AP 503 CL2. SY Clearstone 2CL has average test weight and protein. SY Clearstone 2CL is resistant to stripe rust and moderate resistance to stem rust.
SY Wolf: Hard red winter wheat developed by Syngenta (AgriPro) Seeds in 2010. SY-Wolf is a medium maturing, short statured wheat with white glumes. SY-Wolf has above average yield and test weight and average protein. Winter-hardiness was average in 2011 at Sidney. SY-Wolf is moderately susceptible to moderately resistant (MS/MR) to stripe rust, but resistant to stem rust. Boomer has average milling and below average baking properties. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #201100390).
Tiber (MSU, 1988): Dark Red head, (blackish-red in years of favorable moisture). Winterhardiness = 3. Medium height with good lodging resistance. Stiff straw, which may cause it to thresh a little harder than weaker-strawed varieties. Med-long coleoptile. Very resistant to sprouting, causing some dormancy. Medium maturity. Susceptible to stem rust. Very resistant to shatter. Below average yield. Protein above average. Good milling and baking quality. Fdn seed being discontinued. See Big Sky for alternative.
Vanguard (MSU, 1995): Sawfly resistant. Good stem solidness. White chaff, nodding head. Winterhardiness marginal (2-). Straw slightly stiffer and 1 inch shorter than Rocky, but moderately susceptible to lodging under high- yield conditions. Long coleoptile. Medium head date, 1 day later than Rocky, 3 days earlier than Neeley. Good wheat streak mv tolerance. Susceptible to stem & stripe rust. Below average yield; but under heavy sawfly infestation, yield is above average. Medium shatter resistance. Good test weight. Protein high; quality adequate. Not a satisfactory variety for non-sawfly areas, and should not be grown where high levels of winterhardiness are needed unless protected by stubble. See Genou.
Wahoo (Nebr & Wyo, 2000): Winterhardiness = 3. Semidwarf, 2” shorter than Rocky, stiff straw. Short coleoptile. Very early maturity. High yield. Average test weight & protein, marginally poor quality.
Warhorse (MSU, 2013): Solid-stemmed hard red winter wheat with improved yield potential over Genou and Rampart. Warhorse is a white-glumed, semi-dwarf winter wheat with medium maturity. Warhorse does well where sawfly is a problem, it has stem solidness score similar to Rampart and Bearpaw. Warhorse has average test weight, and protein, but below average winter hardiness. Warhorse is resistant to prevalent races of stripe and stem rust. It is susceptible to leaf rust.
WB Quake (WestBred/Monsanto): WB Quake has a stem solidness score similar to Judee and Genou, but less than Warhorse and Rampart. WB Quake is equal to Genou for seed protein percent and test weight. Winter hardiness of WB Quake is similar to Yellowstone, and slightly more hardy than Genou. WB Quake has good resistance to local races of stripe rust.
Willow Creek (MSU 2005): Beardless forage winter wheat for hay. HRW class. Winterhardiness = 5. Very tall straw, lodging susceptible. Long coleoptile. Very late maturity. High forage yield. Tends to be safer than barley for nitrates, because earlier seasonal development escapes heat stress better. Low grain yield and test weight. High protein.
Yellowstone (MSU, 2005): Winterhardiness = 4. Medium height similar to Neeley, and taller than Falcon, and Pryor. Straw strength is excellent. Medium-short coleoptile length. Medium maturity. Broadly adapted state-wide, but is stem-rust susceptible (thus, not for District 6, eastern Montana). Moderate resistance to stripe rust. Very high-yielding, and 3% higher than Falcon. Below average test weight. Protein is medium. Excellent baking quality and good Asian noodle quality.