News & Press
- Pest-fighting fungi granted patent for biocontrol
- The Prairie Star: "Former MSU researchers discover biocontrol agent". March 27, 2020.
- Independent Observer: "MSU's Conrad Research Center discovers unique fungi that may combat wheat stem sawfly and hessian fly". March, 12, 2020.
- MSU News Service: "MSU research on pest-fighting fungi granted patent for biocontrol". March 02, 2020.
- Entomology Today: "Millet production is on the rise, and so are the pests that eat it". September 16, 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "A potential tool to manage wireworms in wheat and barley". August 2019.
Anheuser-Busch Foundation: “The Anheuser-Busch foundation announces $100,000 gift to support agricultural research at universities in top barley-producing states”. June 27, 2019.
Traders Dispatch: "Tackling issues of the pulse insect pest complex in the Golden Triangle Region". June 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Fungus for managing wireworms on spring wheat in Golden Triangle region of Montana". May 2019.
- Montana IPM Bulletin: "Management of wireworms: Present status". Spring 2019.
- The Prairie Star: "Tools for monitoring: Pheromones improve efficiency of pest traps". May 06, 2019.
- The Prairie Star: "Solar, pitfall traps capture pests in fields". May 06, 2019.
- The Prairie Star: "Wetter than normal conditions forecasted this spring, summer in areas of Montana". May 06, 2019.
- KRTV-Montana Ag Network: "Agricultural benefits of the snow and cold". April 15, 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Montana Agricultural professionals receive training". April 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana". April 2019.
- KRTV: "Face the State recaps just how brutal this winter was". March 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Trap and cover cropping role in pest management". March 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana". March 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "2018 Montana durum variety trials". March 2019.
The Prairie Star: “Grant: Developing management strategies for pulse insect pests”. February 14, 2019.
- The Prairie Star: "Pulse Pests: Southern cowpea weevil new pest on pulse crops". February 14, 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Efficacy of bio-pesticides for managing flea beetles on canola". February 2019.
- COA/MAES: "Current internships & Learning opportunities". January 29, 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Grant awarded to develop management strategies for pulse insect pest complex". January 2019.
- Montana State University-PSPP: "2019 Annual Crop and Pest Management School - Small Grains Crops". January 14-16, 2019.
- Traders Dispatch: "Survey and monitoring of wheat head armyworm by using pheromone traps". December 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Valuable information shared at regional biological control meeting held in Montana". November 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Trap crops for cereal crops in Montana: where are we heading?". November 2018.
- Independent Observer: "Biological control in plant pest management systems annual meeting". November 01, 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Southern cowpea weevil appears as new pest on pulse crops". October 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Can we immunize the plants for defense against wheat stem sawfly attack?". September 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "WTARC Farmers Field Day". August 2018.
- Prairie Star: "Western Triangle hosts several MSU breeders, crop researchers at field days." July 26, 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "2018-Knees Field Day". July 2018.
- EurekAlert: "New research collection targets insect pests of pulse crops". July 24, 2018.
Traders Dispatch: “A focused effort to manage wireworms in the Golden Triangle Area of Montana”. July 2018.
- Glacier County Conservation District: "Annual Crop Tour". July 11, 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: " Tips to protect wheat midge parasitic wasps from insecticide spray". June 2018.
- The Prairie Star: "What treatments best control economically-damaging canola insect pests?". June 08, 2018.
- UArctic Congress: "Agricultural structures in Artictic regions: present functions, limitaitons and solution for future sustainable connectivity in Artic regions". June 2018.
- NOVA University Network: "Pollinators within IPM strategies for Agriculture". May 2018.
- Independent Observer: "The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation staff visits WTARC". May 17, 2018.
Traders Dispatch: “Alfalfa blotch leafminer: A new serious threat to alfalfa crop in Montana?”. May 2018.
Traders Dispatch: “Pea weevil”. May 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Grant awarded to implement professional development program on pheromones". April 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Reoccurrence of new pest - pea weevil in Montana". April 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana". March 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Impact of herbicide overuse on insect pests and their natural enemies in no-till farming". March 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Irrigated spring wheat fields favor wheat midge and its parasitic wasp". March 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Plant parasitic nematodes: A threat to crop production in Montana". March 2018.
- MSU Extension: "Golden Triangle Barley Update". February 15, 2018.
- Independent Observer: "WTARC Advisory Committee Member receives MABA Presidential Award". February 02, 2018.
- Association of MT Aerial Applicators: "AMAA Convention". January 23, 2018.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Reoccurrence of new pest - pea weevil in Montana". January 16, 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Crucifer flea beetle and cabbage seedpod weevil incidence affected canola grain yield and quality". January 2018.
- Traders Dispatch: "Insect pathogenic (Insect killing) nematodes for the management of wireworms". January 2018.
- Florida Entomologist: "Book review-Reddy GVP [Ed]. 2017. Integrated Management of Insect Pests on Canola and other Brassica Oilseed Crops. CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK., 394 pp.
- Traders Dispatch: "Pulse entomology experts exchange ideas". December 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Biological control in pest management systems of plants meeting". November 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Pesticide use: A hot-button issue". October 2017.
- Current Science: "Book review-Integrated management of insect pests on canola and other Brassica oilseed crops, Gadi V. P. Reddy (ed.)", September 25, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Is dual-purpose winter canola cultivation possible in Northern Montana?". September 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Pheromone lures as monitoring tools for wheat head armyworm". September 2017.
- MSU-PSPP-Newsletter: "New graduate students: Raman Sandhi", September 2017.
- Independent Observer: "Professors from Finland visit MSU research center in Conrad". July 20, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Developing management strategies for the pulse insect pest". July 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Wheat head armyworm damage predicted in Golden Triangle areas". June 27, 2017.
- Farm & Ranch Guide: "Cooperators join WTARC in fighting canola pests, saving pollinators". June 22, 2017.
- The Prairie Star: "Canola pest management project starts with optimizing N". June 22, 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Flea beetles and diamondback moth incidence reported on mustard". June 22, 2017.
- Independent Observer: "Research center providing employment opportunities for high school students". June 15, 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "High level of cereal leaf beetle incidence in Choteau, MT". June 12, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana". June 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Training program on biological control". June 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Management of wireworms using new insect pathogenic strains". June 2017.
- The Prairie Star: "Helping the plant help itself' resist the sawfly". May 26, 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Cutworm incidence and damage on peas". May 23, 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Pea leaf weevil on chickpea". May 22, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Research and extension activities for wheat midge management in Montana". May 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "MSU Western Triangle Ag Research Center develops trap crops for wireworms". May 2017.
- Farm & Ranch Guide: "Quinoa – An alternative crop for small grain producers?". April 30, 2017.
- The Prairie Star: "Montana entomologist edits all-inclusive book on oilseed crop pest management". April 11, 2017.
- Independent Observer: "Looking for wireworm infested fields". April 6, 2017.
- Broadwater County Extension: "2017 Spring pest update". Thursday, April 06, 2017.
- Progressive Forage: "New biological tool for managing alfalfa weevil". March 29, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "Grazing improves tillering and grain yield of dual-purpose winter canola". March, 2017.
- Montana Ag Alerts: "Insecticides for pulse crops (Cropland Insects)". March 08, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "MSU scientist publishes a book on canola". February, 2017.
- The Prairie Star: "Off station spring barley cultivar evaluations for the Western Golden Triangle areas of Montana". February 03, 2017.
- The Prairie Star: "Off station spring wheat cultivar evaluations for the Western Golden Triangle area of Montana". February 03, 2017.
- The Prairie Star:"Ground-breaking pheromone research at WTARC 'catches' pea leaf weevil". February 03, 2017
- Farm & Ranch Guide: "New damaging pest in Montana: Pea weevil actually a beetle". February 03, 2017.
- Hill County Extension: "Pulse meeting". January 13, 2017.
- MSU News Service: "MSU Extension cropping seminars set in Golden Triangle". January 09-12, 2017.
- Traders Dispatch: "To fallow or not to fallow: An innovative and unique experiment at the WTARC". December, 2016.
- The Independent-Observer: "Montana Lt. Governor Visits WTARC". September 22, 2016.
- Traders Dispatch: "Watch out for a new pest in Montana - pea weevil". September 2016.
- Traders Dispatch: "Parasitoids to manage wheat midge continues in Montana during 2016". July 2016.
- Montana Association of Conservation Districts: "Glacier County Crop Tour". July 26, 2016.
- Valierian: "WTARC's Field Day offers area producers immersive experience". June 29, 2016.
- Traders Dispatch: "Montana statewide wheat midge monitoring continues". May 2016
- Judith Basin Press: "Entomologist presents awesome after-school program". April 28, 2016
- KRTV News: "Agricultural professionals learning about biological controls". March 01, 2016
- The Prairie Star: "Bioinsecticides, drought, drowning all could attack wheat stem sawfly." February 2016
- Traders Dispatch: "Grant obtained to conduct research on pea leaf weevil." January 2016.
- The Prairie Star: "Winter doesn't stop WTARC fight against sawfly". December 11, 2015
- The Independent-Observer: "Research efforts to control insect pests after harvest". October 29, 2015
- The Western Producer: "Wheat midge predators find new home in Montana." August 07, 2015.
- The Valierian: "Dr. Roger Ondoua brings expertise to Conrad's MSU Agricultural Research Center." July 22, 2015.
- The Prairie Star: "New agronomy, soil management professor at MSU's WTARC." July 22, 2015.
- K96fm News: "Glacier county conservation district sets crop tour for July 28th." July 21, 2015.
- The Prairie Star: "North Dakota, Montana producers report canola flea beetles emerging." June 25, 2015.
- Great Falls Tribune: "Montana wheat crop a mixed bag." June 15, 2015.
- K96fm News: "MSU Extension Golden Triangle Cropping Seminars set for January 2015." December 29, 2014.
- The Prairie Star: "Use of reduced risk insecticides to control insect to safeguard environment." August 03, 2014.
- Traders Dispatch: "Pathogenic fungi kill wireworms where they feed". July, 2014.
- Independent Observer: "Insect-killing pathogenic fungi." June 26, 2014.
- Traders Dispatch: "Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for management of insect pests in Montana". June, 2014.
- Independent Observer: "How the EPNs will be used to control insect pests." May, 29, 2014.
- Nature World News: "Sweetpotato weevils' favorite color switches when it moves indoors". January 03, 2014.
- Bozeman Daily Chronicle: "Trapping insects by color: Will it work in Montana?". January 03, 2014.