Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center

We are beginning to plant for the 2024 season....

This research center is located at the Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center (WTARC), 10 miles north of Conrad (pop. 2800) and 70 miles north of Great Falls, in the agricultural production area known as the “Golden Triangle”. The center is comprised of 75-acres of mainly dryland with some irrigated crop land. An advisory board made up of area producers and industry representatives, provides guidance on establishing WTARC research priorities.
Large variance of cropland and environmental conditions across the seven surrounding counties that are supported by WTARC make off-station research investigations a priority for WTARC researchers. Dryland crops that are regularly investigated by the center include: winter wheat, spring wheat, durum, malt barley, cool-season oilseeds, and cool-season pulses. Winter wheat, spring wheat, barley and perennial forages are the primary crops produced on the 200,000+ irrigated acres in this region. To gather and process quality data the WTARC is equiped with research laboratories, facilities for processing research plot samples, and modern field plot research equipment for harvesting and planting in traditional and reduced tillage cropping systems. We are also very excited to announce that building is in progress to install a research grade greenhouse/headhouse.