Alsen (ND, 2004). Moderate Fusarium scab resistance (MR). Semidwarf height. Medium maturity. Average yield. High test weight. High protein. Very poor Hessian fly tolerance.


AP604CL (AgriPro-8): Medium height, med-early maturity. Avg yield. Above avg test weight & protein.


AP603CL (AgriPro): Two-gene IMI resistance for Clearfield System. Med-tall, med-late maturity. Below average yield. Above average test weight & protein. Medium scab tolerance.


Freyr (AgriPro-3, 2004): Semidwarf height. Good lodging resistance, but less than Norpro. Medium maturity, 2 days earlier than McNeal. Average yield. Above average test weight. Average protein. Fusarium Scab resistance slightly lower than for Alsen (MR). Stripe rust MR. Acceptable quality.


Hank (WestBred): Semidwarf height. Medium lodging resistance. Early heading, 3 days earlier than McNeal. Above average yield. Better shatter resistance than 926. Below average test weight. Good tolerance to dryland root rot, tolerant to Far-go. Protein above average. Good quality. Hessian fly tolerant (similar to Choteau).


Hanna (AgriPro): Fusarium Scab tolerant.


Jedd (WestBred, 2007): Clearfield System hard red with 2-gene resistance. BC-derived from Hank. Short semidwarf height, 3” shorter than Hank or Choteau. Medium heading. Above average yield and test weight, dryland or irrigated. Higher dryland yield than Hank. Average protein. High quality. Moderately susceptible to stripe rust. Tolerance to Hessian fly biotypes of Washington, but unknown for biotypes in Montana.


Kelby (AgriPro, 2006, AP06): Good scab tolerance. Semidwarf height, stiff straw. Early heading. Below average yield. Above average test weight and protein. Good foliar disease resistance.


Kuntz (AgriPro-7, 2006): Medium height and maturity. Average yield. Above avg test weight. Average protein.


McNeal (MSU, 1994): Red chaffed. Semidwarf. Good lodging resistance, but straw is less resilient, and is prone to breaking over in strong wind. Medium-late maturity. Fair tolerance to wheat streak mv (2.5 on scale of 1-3). Some tolerance to dryland root rot. Above average yield, similar to Reeder and Choteau. Average test weight. Very good quality with high protein and loaf volume. Medium-low Hessian fly tolerance. Some tolerance to root lesion nematode.


Norpro (AgriPro-1): Semidwarf, very strong straw. Medium-late maturity. Below avg yield and test weight. Average protein. Low flour yield and high ash. Not well-adapted for dryland in District 5 (Triangle), but suitable for irrigated.


ONeal (WestBred, bz999592, 2008): A McNeal/906R cross. Semidwarf height similar to McNeal. Head date similar to McNeal and one day later than Choteau. Above-average yield, 3-5 bu higher than McNeal and similar to Choteau. Average test weight, above-average protein. A high quality wheat for areas where McNeal is adapted. Hollow stemmed, but shows less sawfly damage than McNeal.


Outlook (MSU, 2002): Russian Wheat Aphid resistant, but susceptible to new biotype in 2004. Stiff straw, semidwarf, height equal to McNeal & Reeder. Med-late maturity = McNeal. Above average yield, similar to McNeal and Reeder. Below average test weight. Average protein. Quality acceptable, and superior to Reeder.


Reeder (ND, 1999): Semidwarf height. Medium head date, slightly earlier than McNeal, but maturity slightly later than McNeal. The “stay-green” trait provides a longer grain-fill period and higher yield, as long as moisture is available. Similar to McNeal for agronomics. Above average yield. Average test weight and protein. Quality is below average. Susceptible to Everest W.O. herbicide. Very poor Hessian fly tolerance.


Vida (MT 0245): Semidwarf height, medium straw strength. Med-late maturity, heading = McNeal, but stays green 3 to 4 days later than McNeal. High yield, 4 bu over McNeal. Average test weight and protein, acceptable quality. Possible replacement for Outlook and Reeder (except Outlook would remain in use for RWA resistance). MR stripe rust and Septoria. Partially-solid stem (stem score = 11), slightly less than Conan & Ernest for sawfly tolerance.


Volt (WestBred, 2007): Semidwarf height. Late heading. Average yield on dryland, above-average yield on irrigated. Above avg test wt. Average protein. Good tolerance to stripe rust and Fusarium head blight. Sawfly cutting similar to McNeal. A high yield, disease resistant variety for irrigated conditions.


WestBred - See also Agawam, Conan, Corbin, Hank, Jedd, ONeal, Triangle II, Volt.