Sawfly Tolerant & Semi-tolerant Hard Red Spring Wheat Varieties
Resistance (stem-solidness) among varieties ranges from low to high and varies with yearly climate differences; none have total resistance. Stem-solidness scores range from 5 (hollow) to 25 (completely solid). Solidness should be at least 19 to provide a reliable level of sawfly tolerance. However, some partially-solid stem varieties, such as Conan and Corbin, are less attractive to sawflies and show higher tolerance than expected for their level of stem solidness.
Agawam: See Hard White Spring Wheat. (Solid stem score = 23).
Choteau (MSU, 2004): Semidwarf with good straw strength. Height is 2” shorter than McNeal and 4” shorter than Fortuna. Stems very solid with good sawfly resistance (more solid than Fortuna). Sawfly resistance comparisons (max rating = 25): Choteau = 21, Fortuna = 19, Ernest = 16. Medium-early, 2 days later than Hank, 0.5 day later than Ernest & Fortuna, 2 days earlier than McNeal. High yield, similar to McNeal on both dryland and irrigated. Yields substantially higher than Ernest and Fortuna. Above average test wt (similar to Fortuna, and higher than McNeal). Moderate resistance to Septoria, and good resistance to most stem rust races. Protein above average. Normal gluten strength and good milling and baking quality. Fair Hessian fly tolerance. Some tolerance to root-lesion nematode.
Conan (WPB, 1998): Semidwarf. Solid stem score is low (10), but has low levels of sawfly-attractant cis-3- hexenylacetate, which increases sawfly resistance to medium. Medium maturity. Average yield and test weight. Some tolerance to Wheat Streak M V. Protein 0.5-0.9% higher than Rambo, and better protein quality than Rambo.
Corbin (WPB, 2006). Semidwarf height, 1” taller than Conan. Stem-solidness score = 10, medium sawfly resistance. Medium maturity, 1 day earlier than Conan. Average yield. Above-average test weight. Higher yield and test weight than Conan. Moderate resistance to stripe rust. Average protein.
Duclair (MSU, 2011): Solid stemmed hard red spring wheat, with stem solidness score of 20, slightly less than Choteau and slightly more than Fortuna. Yields were comparable to Choteau, Reeder, and Vida. Maturiety is day earlier than Choteau. Plant heights average about 31 inches. Yields (66 bu/a) tend to be similar to Choteau (65 bu/a), Reeder (66 bu/a) and Vida (68 bu/a). The average test weight is 60 lbs/bu, with grain protein averaging 13.7%. Duclair showed good resistance to stripe rust at Kalispell in 2010.
Ernest (ND, 1995): Tall, weak straw. Medium sawfly resistance (solid stem score = 16). High level of sawfly-attractant cis-3-hexenylacetate. Moderately late maturing, slightly earlier than McNeal. Poor threshability. Tolerant to Far-go. Resistant to prevalent races of leaf & stem rust. Below average yield. High protein and test weight. Good quality.
Lillian (Sask.): Tall weak straw. Late heading. Partial stem solidness. Sawfly cutting for Lillian was 30% at Conrad 2008, compared to 65% for susceptible varieties. Below average test weight. Above average protein.
Fortuna (ND): Beardless, tall straw. Too tall for irrigated conditions, vulnerable to lodging. Good sawfly resistance (solid stem score = 19). Early maturity. Tolerant to Fargo. Very susceptible to Septoria. Medium to low yield except under severe sawfly conditions, where Fortuna often ranks high for yield. Susceptible to shattering, especially in conditions favoring development of large kernels. Average test weight and protein. Fair Hessian fly tolerance.
Triangle II (WestBred, bz9m1024, 2008): Clearfield version of Conan, 2-gene resistance. Stem solidness less than Conan. Yield 1 bu higher than Conan, otherwise similar to Conan.
WB Gunnison (WestBred): Gunnison is intended to replace Conan and Corbin acres. Gunnison is hollow stemmed, but shows good tolerance to cutting by the wheat stem sawfly. The yield (55) is similar to Corbin and slightly higher than Conan. Average test weight is 60 lbs/bu, with grain protein levels of 13.8%, a bit lower than both Conan and Corbin. Average plant height is 30 inches with similar maturity to Conan and Corbin. Gunnison has moderate resistance to stripe rust.
WB9879CLP – WB9879CLP was derived from the cross of Choteau*3//Choteau/IMI8134 made in 2004 to be used as a Clearfield wheat. WB9879CLP is an awned semidwarf hard red spring wheat heading one and a half days later than Choteau while plant height is 30 inches the same as Choteau. WB9879CLP has solid stems similar to Choteau averaging 20-23 over two years. WB9879CLP exhibits acceptable milling and baking quality traits similar to Choteau. WB9879CLP is currently licensed exclusively toWestBred-Monsanto with PVP title V protection.