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Dr. Michael Giroux, MSU-Bozeman, MT Email:

Phone: (406) 994-7877

Mr. Andy Hogg, MSU-Bozeman, MT Email:

Phone: (406) 994-1876


Dr. Pat Carr and Dr. Jed Eberly, MSU-CARC, Moccasin, MT

Dr. Chengci Chen, Dr. Frankie Crutcher, Ms. Calla Kowatch, Ms. Amber Ferda, and Ms. Samantha Hoesel, MSU-EARC, Sidney, MT

Ms. Peggy Lamb and Ms. Kyla McNamara, MSU-NARC, Havre, MT

Dr. Ken Kephart and Ms. Valerie Smith, MSU-SARC, Huntley, MT

Ms. Julie Orcutt and Ms. Julie Prewett, MSU-WTARC, Conrad, MT

Dr. Linda Dykes, USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND


To test advanced experimental durum lines for agronomic and quality traits relative to currently grown cultivars under Montana growing conditions.


In 2019, ten experimental durum lines developed at MSU and fourteen elite durum varieties were tested at six Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations and six off-station locations. Experimental lines developed at MSU carry genetic markers associated with reduced cadmium accumulation and/or a licensed gene that increases pasta firmness (Table 1). Durum varieties tested include releases from North Dakota State University, University of Saskatchewan-Canadian Crop Development Center, and Westbred (Table 1). Dryland experiments were grown on-station in Bozeman, MT (MSU-Post Agronomy Farm), Havre, MT (MSU-NARC), Sidney, MT (MSU-EARC), Conrad, MT (MSU-WTARC), Huntley, MT

(MSU-SARC), and Moccasin, MT (MSU-CARC). Irrigated trials were grown on-station in Bozeman, MT (MSU-Post Agronomy Farm) and Sidney, MT (MSU-EARC). At the Bozeman locations two additional MSU experimental lines, MT112219 and MTD16003, were grown to maintain experimental design. There were three off-station experiments planted in Eastern Montana by EARC staff and three off-station experiments planted in North Central Montana by NARC staff. The trial at SARC this year was destroyed before harvest by hail and the Wibaux off-station site in Eastern Montana was sprayed out by the cooperator. There were three replicates of each line/variety grown at each location in either a randomized complete block design or an alpha-lattice design to determine statistical differences. Seed was treated with CruiserMaxx Vibrance for CerealsĀ® (Syngenta) (5 fl oz/100 lb). MAES research cooperators provided agronomic data such as plant height, heading date, pest pressure, grain protein content, grain test weight, and grain yield. On-station grain sub-samples from the three replicates per line per location were bulked and submitted to Dr. Linda Dykes (USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND) for analysis of seed traits, milling and semolina quality, and mixing strength.

Overall statewide agronomic performance from 2019 can be found in Table 1. Statewide yield and protein evaluation over three years (2017-19) are presented in Table 2. Statewide agronomic performance for 2019 separated by environment (irrigated or dryland) is presented in Tables 3 and 4. Agronomic data for each individual location is found in Tables 5-12 with overall quality data summarized in Tables 13 and 14. Individual location quality data can be found in Tables 15-28. Agronomic data for off-station variety trails grown in the North Central and North Eastern Montana can be found in Tables 29-33. 


Table 1. Agronomic means from 2019 intrastate durum trials all locations (n=7) and conditions.

A table of means recorded of each cultivar including souce, yeild, test weight, protien content, and plant height.

Table 2. Yield and protein evaluation for statewide durum testing 23 location-years.

A table of yeild and protien means by cultivar including yeild and protien content aross 3 yields.

Table 3. Agronomic means from 2019 irrigated intrastate durum trials (n=2).

A table of means recorded for each cultivar including yeild, test weight, protien content, plant height, and heading date.

Table 4. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trials (n=5). 

A table of means recorded by cultivar including yield, test weight, protien content, plant height, and heading date.

Table 5. Agronomic means from 2019 irrigated intrastate durum trial conducted by Giroux/Hogg at the Post Agronomy Farm in Bozeman, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yeild, test weight, protien content, stand count, plant height, leaf spot 1-5, heading date, and maturity date.

Table 6. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial conducted by Giroux/Hogg at the Post Agronomy Farm in Bozeman, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yeild, test weight, protien content, stand ocunt, plant height, leaf spot 1-5, heading date, and maturity date.

Table 7. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial conducted at Southern Agricultural Research Center Huntley, MT. Plots were destroyed by hail on August 11th before harvest.

A table of means by cultivar including plan height, percent lodging, and heading date.

Table 8. Agronomic means from 2019 irrigated intrastate durum trial conducted at Eastern Agricultural Research Center Sidney, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protein content, plant height, and heading date.

Table 9. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial conducted at Eastern Agricultural Research Center Sidney, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protien content, plant height, and heading date.

Table 10. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial at Central Agricultural Research Center in Moccasin, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight,, moisture content, protien content, plant height, and heading date.

Table 11. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial at Northern Agricultural Research Center in Havre, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protien content, plant height, heading date, sawfly damage, and falling number results.

Table 12. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland intrastate durum trial at Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center in Conrad, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protien content, sawfly damage, and plant height.

Table 13. USDA-ARS seed quality means from all locations (n=7) for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, percent large and small seeds, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protein content, grain ash content, and falling number times.

Table 14. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from all locations (n=7) for 2019 intrastate durum trial.

A table of means by cultivar inculding bran content shorts content, semolina content, semolina protein content, semolina ash content, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 15. USDA-ARS seed quality means for Bozeman dryland for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, large and small seed percent, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protien content, grain ash content, and fallin number time.

Table 16. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from Bozeman dryland for 2019 intrastate durum trial.

A table of means by cultivar.

Table 17. USDA-ARS seed quality means for Bozeman irrigated for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including tst weight, percent of large and small seeds, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual dees diameter, grain protien content, grain ash content, and falling number time.

Table 18. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from Bozeman irrigated for 2019 intrastate durum trial.

A table of means by cultivar including bran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protein content, semolina ash content, L2, b*2, a2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 19. USDA-ARS seed quality means from WTARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, large seed content, small sedd content, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protein content, grain ash content, and falling number time.

Table 20. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from WTARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including bran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protien content, semolina ash content, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 21. USDA-ARS seed quality means from NARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial.

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, large seed percent, small seed content, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protien content, grain ash content, and falling number time.

Table 22. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from NARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including bran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protien content, semolina ash content, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 23. USDA-ARS seed quality means from CARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, large seed percent, small seed percent, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protein percent, grain ash percent, and falling number time.

Table 24. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from CARC for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including gran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protien content, semolina ash content, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 25. USDA-ARS seed quality means from EARC dryland for 2019 intrastate durum trial.

A table of means by cultivar including test weight, large seed percent, small seed percent, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protein percent, grain ash percent, and falling number time.

Table 26. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from EARC dryland for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including bran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protein percent, semolina ash percent, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 27. USDA-ARS seed quality means from EARC irrigated for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including testweight, large seed percent, small seed percent, hardness index, individual seed weight, individual seed diameter, grain protein percent, grain ash percent, falling number percent.

Table 28. USDA-ARS semolina quality means from EARC irrigated for 2019 intrastate durum trial. 

A table of means by cultivar including gran percent, shorts percent, semolina percent, semolina protein percent, semolina ash percent, L2, b*2, a*2, and mixograph pattern.

Table 29. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland off-station durum trial Roosevelt Co., MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protein content, plant height, and percent lodging.

Table 30. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland off-station durum trial Sheridan, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moistre content, protien content, and plant height.

Table 31. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland off-station durum trial Turner, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture percent, protein percent, sawfly dameage, plant height, falling number time.

Table 32. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland off-station durum trial Chester, MT. 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture content, protein content, sawdly damage, plant height, and falling number time.

Table 33. Agronomic means from 2019 dryland off-station durum trial Loring, MT.

A table of means by cultivar including yield, test weight, moisture percent, protein percent, plant height, and falling number time.

Table 34: Fusarium head blight evaluation 2019 (Dr. Frankie Crutcher, EARC). 

A table of means by cultivar including yield, severity, incidence, severity, FDK percent, and DON.