
To evaluate different rates of Green & Grow Agriplier seed treatment on canola development and yield.

“Agriplier is derived from naturally occurring soil bacteria that produce exudates with beneficial plant growth and enhancement properties such as increased yields, early vigor, and more uniform stands”.


Agriplier treatments provided significant differences in plant population (table 2). The average number of plants per square foot was 12.7 and ranged from 9.3 for the AGR300 treatment to 17.0 plants per ft2 for the AGR200 treatment. Despite the differences in plant population, Agriplier had no significant effect on yield. In addition, no differences were observed between treatments in flowering date, plant height, percent lodging, percent pod shatter, oil content, or test weight.

Table 1. Materials and Methods

Seeding Date: 4/21/2015 Harvest Date: 8/10/2015
Julian Date: 111 Julian Date: 222
Seeding Rate: 10 plants/ft2 6" rows Soil Type: Creston SiL
Previous Crop: Spring Wheat Soil Test: 61-8-180-62
Tillage: Conventional-Till Fertilizer: 125-35-35-20
Irrigation: None Insecticide: Warrior II 1.92 oz/A
Herbicide: Stinger 8 oz/A Fungicide: Quadris 6 oz/A


Table 2. Agronomic data from the statewide Green and Grow seed Treatment Trial

  sqft Julian in % % bu/A % lb/bu %
CTRL 12.3 165 43.3 5.5 0.0 65.7 48.0 52.6 7.6
AGR100 12.0 165 45.0 1.8 0.0 76.1 48.6 52.3 7.0
AGR200 17.0 165 44.3 0.8 0.0 72.8 48.2 52.3 7.3
AGR300 9.3 165 44.3 2.5 0.0 70.3 48.2 52.3 7.2
Mean 12.7 165 44.2 2.6 0.0 71.2 48.3 52.4 7.3
CV 25.2 0.2 4.5 183.7 0.0 14.5 1.8 0.4 7.9
LSD 5.1 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pr>F 0.0437 0.4363 0.6732 0.5646 1.0000 0.5662 0.8204 0.2243 0.4947
PLNT: plant, FLWR: 50% flowering, HT: height, LOD: lodging, SHTTR: shatter, MC: moisture content, YLD: yield, TWT: test weight
¹adjusted to 8% moisture.