
To evaluate different rates of Green & Grow Agriplier seed treatment on canola development and yield.


“Agriplier is derived from naturally occurring soil bacteria that produce exudates with beneficial plant growth and enhancement properties such as increased yields, early vigor, and more uniform stands”.  Agriplier treatments were applied to HyClass 930 and seeded as a randomized complete block with four replications. Seeding rate was calculated using the following equation:

(10 plants/sqft X 9.6 X thousand kernel weight)/80% survival rate.

Treatments were evaluated for plant stand, flowering date, height, lodging, shattering, yield, oil content and test weight. No significant differences were observed for any of the response variables (table 2).


Table 1. Materials and Methods   

Seeding Date: 5/3/2016 Harvest Date: 9/14/2016
Julian Date: 134 Julian Date: 258
Seeding Rate: 10 plnt/sqft 6" rows Soil Type: Creston SiL
Previous Crop: Barley Soil Test: 116-22-250-46
Tillage: Conventional Fertilizer: 125-30-30-20
Herbicide: PPI: Turst 2 pt/A Insecticide: Warrior II 1.92 floz/A
Herbicide: Stinger 1/3 pt/A Fungicide: Endura 6 oz/A



Table 2. Agronomic Data        

Treatment sqft Julian in % % bu/A % lb/bu
G & G 200 13.3 178 46.7 33.8 1.3 34.6 52.2 48.7
G & G 201 12.5 179 46.1 35 1.3 35.0 52.2 48.9
G & G 202 13.9 178 46.5 37.5 1.3 38.0 52.3 48.7
Mean 13.2 178 46.4 35.4 1.3 35.9 52.3 48.8
CV 21.1 0.5 2.8 13.5 0.0 8.3 0.7 0.8
LSD ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pr>F 0.7796 0.216 0.7974 0.5615 1 0.2914 0.9137 0.8104
PLNT: plant, FLWR: 50% flowing, HT: height, LOD: lodging, SHTTR: shatter, YLD: yield, TWT: test weight.        
adjusted to 8% moisture.