
To evaluate the agronomic performance of barley varieties grown in environments representative of northwestern Montana. 


Yields averaged 127.1 bu/A and ranged from 87.2 bu/A for Haybet to 151.1 bu/A for Champion. Heading dates averaged 172 Julian days (June 21) and ranged from 168 to 177 Julian days. Protein averaged 13.4 % with a range from 11.8% for MT100120 to 15.3% for Haybet. Percent plump averaged 93.9% and ranged from 70.6% for Haybet to 98.2% for Merit. Lodging was not experienced in the entire nursery. 


The 2015 growing season afforded an average barley yield of 127.1 bu/A which is comparable to the average yield in 2014 of 128.3 bu/A.  

Table 1. Materials and Methods.

Seeding Date: 4/23/2015 Harvest Date: 8/6/2015
Julian Date: 113 Julian Date: 218
Seeding Rate: 80 lb/A Soil Test: 144-12-222
Previous Crop: Canola Soil Type: Creston SiL
Tillage: Conventional Fertilizer: 250-40-90
Irrigation: None Herbicide: Huskie Plus 11 fl. oz/A & Axial 16.4 fl. oz/A

Table 2. Barley Off-Station, Kalispell, MT - 2015.

Cultivar HD Julian HT in YLD bu/A1 PRO %2 TWT lb/bu1 PLMP %
Champion 171 33.0 151.1 13.4 51.8 97.2
MT100120 174 35.3 150.9 11.8 53.7 97.9
Craft 169 34.7 143.2 13.5 51.8 96.5
MT100126 173 34.3 141.8 11.9 53.0 97.2
MT124027 174 34.0 134.7 12.4 50.0 94.9
Merit 174 33.7 131.7 13.6 50.9 98.2
MT124728 171 33.0 131.2 13.4 50.8 96.3
Haxby 170 32.0 127.9 13.1 51.8 93.4
Conrad 76 31.3 127.0 13.9 50.7 96.0
Hockett 169  32.0 126.8 13.3  50.3  95.4 
Harrington 173  33.7 122.3 13.8  48.4  91.7 
AC Metcalfe 173  33.7 119.9 13.8  48.7  91.4 
Stockford 172  33.0 112.7  13.8  48.4  97.4 
Moravian 115 177 29.0  112.6  12.8  47.0  95.4 
Lavina 168 32.0  112.3  14.1  45.5  82.3 
Haybet 171 34.7  87.2  15.3  45.3  70.6 
Mean 172 33.1  127.1  13.4  49.9  93.3 
CV 0.8 4.4  6.3  2.6  1.4  2.0 
LSD 2.3 2.5  13.3  0.6  1.2  3.1 
Pr>F 0.0001 0.002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

HD: heading; HT: heigh; YLD: yield; PRO: protein; TWT: test weight; PLMP: percent plump

adjusted to 13 % moisture

reported on a dry matter basis