
 To evaluate the effect of Palisade on lodging when applied at different rates and timings in spring wheat. 

Materials and Methods:

Palisade was applied at 7 oz/A to Egan spring wheat at the tillering (June 1) and flag leaf (June 10) growth stages either as single or sequential applications (Table 2). Treatments were applied using a CO2 backpack sprayer with Teejet XR11002 nozzles in 20 GPA of water and were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design.


No significant differences were observed for height, lodging, test weight, yield or grain quality.


Palisade as single or sequential applications at tillering and/or flag leaf stage had no effect on plant height, test weight, lodging or yield. 

Table 1. Materials and Methods.

Seeding Date: 4/22/2016 Harvest Date: 8/31/2016
Julian Date: 113 Julian Date: 244
Seeding Rate: 120 lb/A Soil Type: Creston SiL
Previous Crop: Winter Wheat Soil Test: 104-24-652-154
Tillage: Conventional Fertilizer: BC: 235-40-60 DR: 3-14-0
Herbicide: Huskie 11 oz/A + Axial 16.4 oz/A + NIS 1 qt/100 gal + UAN 28% 1qt/A

Table 2. Effect of rate and timing of Palisade on agronomic performance of spring wheat, Kalispell, MT - 2016.

Treatment Rate Timing HT in 7/1 HT in 8/9 LOD % YLD bu/A1 PRO %2 TWT lb/bu1 FN sec
Check 40.1 40.9 7.7 103.3 14.9 60.6 436
Palisade 2EC 7 floz/A Tillering 40.2 40.8 0.7 104.4 14.6 60.7 450
Palisade 2EC
Palisade 2EC
2 floz/A
5 floz/A
Tillering +
Flag Leaf
40.3 41.3 1.0 101.2 14.7 60.7 434
Palisade 2EC
Palisade 2EC
5 floz/A
2 floz/A
Tillering +
Flag Leaf
39.4 41.2 4.0 103.1 14.9 60.7 436
Palisade 2EC 7 floz/A Flag Leaf 40.3 40.8 8.3 104.2 14.9 60.6 444
Mean 40.2 41.0 4.3 103.3 14.81 60.7 440
CV 3.4 1.6 157.1 5.2 3.22 0.3 4.7
LSD ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pr>F 0.7273 0.8082 0.5379 0.9478 0.9096 0.7925 0.8547

LOD: lodging; YLD: yield; PRO: protein; TWT: test weight; FN: falling number; ns: non-significant

adjusted to 13% moisture; 2 adjusted to 12% moisture