Nancy Callan
Emeritus Professor of Horticulture Department of Research Centers

BS 1969, Botany/ Zoology, Southern Oregon State College, Ashland, OR
MS 1972, Botany, Southern Oregon State College
PhD 1976, Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
1980-1986 Western Agricultural Research Center, Corvallis, MT. Assistant Professor
of Horticulture
1986-1992 Western Agricultural Research Center. Associate Professor of Horticulture
1992-2006 Western Agricultural Research Center. Professor of
Horticulture 2007- Emeritus Professor of Horticulture
Research has included the development of a bacterial seed treatment for protection of sweet corn and cucurbit crops from Pythium seed decay; investigation of the role of soil moisture, biocontrol agents, and fungicide treatment for control of sweet corn seedling blight caused by Penicillium oxalicum; identification of optimal cultural practices for the production of several specialty crops, including dill for essential oil, the medicinal plant Echinacea purpurea, and teff, a high-quality forage suitable for the horse market; development of guidelines for the application of potassium to tart cherries through drip irrigation; development of methodology for the assessment of cold hardiness of insects introduced for biological control of spotted knapweed; development of a calcium treatment for reduction of rain splitting in sweet cherries, and evaluation of over 35 culinary, medicinal, and essential oil crops for their potential for production in western Montana.
Refereed Publications
Bennett, M. A., Callan, N. W., and Fritz, V. A. 1991. Seed treatments for disease control. HortTechnology 1:84-87.
Callan, N, W., Miller, J. B., Mathre, D. E. and Mohan, S. K. 1996. Soil moisture and temperature effects on shrunken-2 sweet corn seed decay and seedling blight caused by Penicillium oxalicum. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121:83-90.
Callan, N. W. 1986. Calcium hydroxide reduces splitting of 'Lambert' sweet cherry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111(2):173-175.
Callan, N. W. 1990. Dormancy effects on supercooling in deacclimated 'Meteor' tart cherry flower buds. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 115:982-986.
Callan, N. W. and Lombard, P. B. 1978. Pollination effects on fruit and seed development in 'Comice' pear. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 103:496-500.
Callan, N. W. and Mathre, D. E. 2000. Bio-Priming Seed Treatment. Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology, Wiley and Sons.
Callan, N. W. and Thompson, M. M. 1986. Exogenous sugars overcome incompatibility in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 71:657-661.
Callan, N. W. and Westcott, M. P. 1996. Drip irrigation for application of potassium to tart cherry. J. Plant Nutrition 19:163-172.
Callan, N. W., Johnson, D. L., Westcott, M. P., and Welty, L. E. 2007. Herb and oil composition of dill (Anethum graveolens L.): effects of crop maturity and plant density. Industrial Crops and Products 25: 282-287.
Callan, N. W., Mathre, D. E., and Miller, J. B. 1990. Bio-priming seed treatment for biological control of Pythium ultimum preemergence damping-off in sh-2 sweet corn. Plant Disease 74:368-372.
Callan, N. W., Mathre, D. E., and Miller, J. B. 1991. Field performance of sweet corn seed bio-primed and coated with Pseudomonas fluorescens AB254. HortScience 26:1163-1165.
Callan, N. W., Mathre, D. E., Miller, J. B., and Vavrina, C. S. 1997. Biological seed treatments: factors involved in efficacy. Hort Science 32:179-183.
Callan, N. W., Story, J. M., and Roche, R. R. 1986. Thermoelectric modules and a computerized data acquisition system to determine insect supercooling points. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 79:60-61.
Callan, N. W., Thompson, M. M., Chaplin, M. H., Stebbins, R. L., and Westwood, M. N. 1978. Fruit set of 'Italian' prune following fall foliar and spring boron sprays. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.103:253-257.
Callan, N., Yokelson, T., Wall-MacLane, S., Westcott, M., Miller, J., and Ponder, G. 2005. Seasonal trends and plant density effects on cichoric acid in Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. J. Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants 11:35-46.
Good, W. R., Story, J. M., and Callan, N. W. 1997. Winter cold hardiness and supercooling of Metzneria paucipunctella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a moth introduced for biological control of spotted knapweed. Environ. Entomol. 26(5):1131-1135.
Lockerman, R. H. and Callan, N. W. 1986. Red raspberry yield trials in southwestern and western Montana. Fruit Varieties J. 40:39-41.
Lockerman, R. H. and Callan, N. W. 1987. Yield comparisons of five strawberry cultivars in Montana. Fruit Varieties J. 41:29-30.
Lombard, P. B., Callan, N. W., Dennis, F. G. Jr., Looney, N. E., Martin, G. C., Renquist, A. R., and Mielke, E. A. 1988. Towards a standardized nomenclature, procedures, values, and units in determining fruit and nut tree yield performance. HortScience 23:813 817.
Mathre, D. E., Callan, N. W., Johnston, R. H., and Schwend, A. 1994. Factors influencing the control of Pythium ultimum-induced seed decay by seed treatment with Pseudomonas aureofaciens AB254. Crop Protection 13:301-307.
Mathre, D. E., Cook, R. J. and Callan, N. W. 1999. From discovery to use: traversing the world of commercializing biocontrol agents for plant disease control. Plant Disease 83:972-983.
Mathre, D. E., Johnston, R. H., Callan, N. W., Mohan, S. K., Martin, J. M., and Miller, J. B. 1995. Combined biological and chemical seed treatments for control of two seedling diseases of sh-2 sweet corn. Plant Dis. 79:1145-1148.
NC 140 Regional Research Committee (11 contributors). 1991. Abnormalities in 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' on nine rootstocks in the 1980 1981 NC 140 cooperative planting. Fruit Var. J. 45:213-219.
NC 140 Regional Research Committee (27 contributors). 1987. Growth and production of 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' on 9 rootstocks in the NC 140 cooperative planting. Fruit Varieties J. 41:31-39.
NC 140 Regional Research Committee (27 contributors). 1991. Performance of 'Starkspur Supreme Delicious' on 9 rootstocks at 27 sites over 10 years. Fruit Var. J. 45:200-208.
Seeley, S. D., Damavandy, H., Anderson, J. L., Renquist, R., and Callan, N. W. 1992. Autumn-applied growth regulators influence leaf retention, bud hardiness, bud and flower size, and endodormancy in peach and cherry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 117(2):203-208.
Story, J. M., Callan, N. W., Corn, J. G., and White, L. J. 2006. Decline of spotted knapweed density at two sites in western Montana with large populations of the introduced root weevil, Cyphocleonus achates (Fahraeus). Biological Control 38:227-232.
Story, J. M., Good, W. R., and Callan, N. W. 1993. Supercooling capacity of Urophora affinis and U. quadrifasciata (Diptera: Tephritidae), two flies released on spotted knapweed in Montana. Environ. Entomol. 22:831-836.
Bennett, M. A., Fritz, V. A., and Callan, N. W. 1992. Impact of seed treatments on crop stand establishment. HortTechnology 2:345-349.
Wang, H., Chang, K. F., Hwang, S. F., Turnbull, G. D., Howard, R. J., Blade, S. F. and Callan, N. W. 2005. Fusarium root rot of coneflower seedlings and integrated control using Trichoderma and fungicides. BioControl 50:317-329.
Westcott, M. P. and Callan, N. W. 1990. Modeling plant population and rectangularity effects on broccoli head weights and yield. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 115:893-897.
Westcott, M. P., Callan, N. W., and Knox, M. L. 1991. Planting date and rowcover interactions in broccoli production in cold climates. HortScience 26:1221.
Yang, Y., Chang, K. F., Hwang, S. F., Callan, N. W., Howard, R. J., and Blade, S. F. 2004. Biological control of Pythium damping-off in Echinacea angustifolia with Trichoderma species. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten and Pflanzenschutz 111:126-136.
Reviewed Publications
Callan, N. W. 1986. Lime sprays reduce splitting of ‘Lambert’ sweet cherry. Montana AgResearch Winter 1986:18-20.
Callan, N. W., Lockerman, R. H., Graham, D. R., and Joy, R. D. 1985. Strawberry yield trials in western and southwestern Montana. Montana AgResearch Winter 1985: 9-11.
Callan, N. W., Lockerman, R. H., Graham, D. R., and Joy, R. D. 1987. Red raspberries for western and southwestern Montana. Montana AgResearch Summer 1987: 19-21.
Callan, N. W. and Westcott, M. P. 1991. Application of potassium to tart cherries through drip irrigation. Better Crops Spring 1991: 21-22.