Western Agricultural Research Center
Supporting Montana's small-scale farmers

Conducting research that benefits local agriculture
Starting an orchard or vineyard is a major investment. Current and prospective growers benefit from region-specific research determining which crops thrive in Montana's Bitterroot Valley and beyond. WARC is the only research center in the state that is focused on horticulture, specializing in high-value specialty crops, fruit and vegetable production, local food security and increasing sustainability and economic returns for small acreage operations. Research is also conducted on row and forage crops, labor and labor efficiency, the complexity of the small business aspects of value-added products and start-to-finish operations. Learn more about what we do.

Proposed new research and education building
WARC could increase its ability to meet growers’ research and education needs with modern laboratory, office and educational facilities. In 2021, Montana’s 67th Legislature passed House Bill 14, providing state capital project funding to improve Montana University System infrastructure, including a much-needed facilities upgrade at WARC. To supplement state funding, MSU has committed to a funding match for WARC to support the design, construction, furnishing, and equipping of this important facility. Learn more about the proposed building project.