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The information and data reported are a collaboration of ongoing or new research projects located at or near Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center (WTARC) of Montana State University, College of Agriculture, Conrad, Montana. Many projects are conducted in cooperation with faculty members, research associates and Post-doctoral fellows from the Depts. of Plant Science and Plant Pathology (PSPP) and Land Resources and Environmental Science (LRES) located on the campus of Montana State University (MSU), and Agricultural Research Centers: Central (CARC), Northern (NARC), Eastern (EARC), Northwestern (NWARC) Southern (SARC) and Western (WARC) of the Dept. of Research Centers.

To simplify reading, trade or brand names of products, services, firms, or equipment are sometimes used. No endorsement of such names or firms is intended nor is criticism implied of those not mentioned.

This report is NOT FOR PUBLICATION. No part may be published or reproduced in any form without prior consent of the authors.

Table of Contents

Low Energy Sprinkler Application Effect on Montana Malt Barley

Field Testing the Effect of Biopesticides against Wheat Stem Sawfly Management: Dose Response

Evaluation of the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungus and trap crops for the management of wireworms on spring wheat

Exploring the possibilities of entomopathogenic nematodes for wireworm management (Coleoptera: Elateridae)

Monitoring of Wheat Midge and its Parasitoids Macroglenes penetrans and Platygaster tuberosula in Irrigated and Dryland Spring Wheat in Golden Triangle, Montana

Development of Management strategies of Pulse Insect Complex in Montana

Evaluation of commercially available bio-pesticides and pheromone traps for management and monitoring of crucifer flea beetles Phyllotreta cruciferae


The following faculty, former faculty, research associates, members of the Advisory Committee, cooperating producers and summer staff were involved or cooperated in accomplishing the research mission at Western Triangle Ag. Research Center:

Dr. Darrin Boss– Department Head, Department of Research Centers, Superintendent/Animal Science, Northern Ag. Research Center, Montana State University

Dr. Phil Bruckner and Jim Berg – Winter Wheat Variety Breeding Program

Dr. Luther Talbert and Hwa-Young Heo – Spring Wheat Variety Breeding Program Dr. Jamie Sherman and Liz Elmore – Barley Variety Breeding Program

Dr. Stefan T. Jaronski, USDA-ARS, Sidney, MT – Entomopathogenic fungi

Dr. David I. Shapiro-Ilan, USDA-ARS, Byron, Georgia – Entomopathogenic nematodes Drs. David Weaver and Kevin Wanner LRES – Wheat stem sawfly/wireworms

Dr. Héctor A. Cárcamo, Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Canada – Canola IPM

Dr. Tyler Wist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, Canada –Wheat Midge Dr. Chengci Chen and Dr. Yusuf Mohammad – Pulse Crop Variety Testing Program Dr. Mike Giroux and Andrew Hogg– Durum Variety Breeding and Testing Program Dr. Bob Stougaard – wheat midge monitoring and biological control

Dr. Patrick Carr and Simon Fordyce– Canola Variety Testing Program Debra A. Miller, Research Assistant – Entomology/Insect Ecology Julie Orcutt – Admin Associate, WTARC

Julie Prewett, Research Assistant – WTARC

Shad Chrisman – Farm Mechanic/Safety Coordinator, WTARC

WTARC Advisory Committee and cooperating producers: Boyd Standley, Dan Picard, Jeff Farkell, Jerry Jerome, Kevin Bradley, Megan Mattson-Hedges, Phillip Hodgson, Rob Moog, Scott Inbody, Terry Alme, Dusty Jones, Steve Kellog, Jonathan Stoltz, and Mike Leys, Aaron Killion and Brian Aklestad.

Summer Staff: Carley Ries, Hayley Ries, Jonathan Blanchard, Drew, Ryan, Caden, Riely, Ethan Cliver